Category Archives: Society

My Return From Hiatus

Well, I have been away on a long over due hiatus.  And I didn’t even give anyone a heads up that I was taking this little hiatus and I am sorry about that.  Hey, I needed a little me time.  And trust me I have been using my time wisely.

For one, I had been thinking a lot about the ridiculous comments that I get on this blog.  And just grew tired of the same mindless drivel flowing so freely from the minds of the zombie like idiots that come my way.  It just boggles the mind that these people are actually voting and working amongst us.  Scary!

Next, I decided to do a tune up on the two kid mommy body.  I X’d it out with some P90X and I am ecstatically happy about the results I am getting.  I can’t wait to do this again.  Sounds like torture but you know what, once you start seeing the results you don’t want to stop.

We have had this system for a good 3 years, since my significant other, the fit and fabulous guy he is, did the p90X right after I had our little bundle of joy.   And I wish I had engaged in it sooner.  I did do the diet portion since I needed to cook for him while he X’d it out.  But, I wasn’t ready for the exercise regimen and probably wouldn’t have finished.  Actually I KNOW I wouldn’t have finished.  I am glad I waited because now was the perfect time.

And last but certainly not least, I have been giving my kids way more time for going to the park and fun things like that.  My youngest son needs different therapies and I wanted to take this time to make totally certain that he is getting and will get the best care that he deserves.  Being an advocate for your child, and probably anyone, is very time consuming.

I am sure this becomes painfully more time consuming when you have to fight with insurance companies who wish to stiff your child and deny them the critical services that they need to be healthy.  It is ridiculous.  And for people to sit around and complain about the health care bill being too much and how it is terrible need to suddenly find themselves with a disorder or a child with a disorder, syndrome or some other illness that requires intensive treatment.  Then their little tune will change immediately.  I have problems with the bill as well.  Not because it does too much, but because it doesn’t do enough!  They needed to go miles further.

There is nothing worse than a bunch of ignorant people who never have to use their health care to sit around and tell others that they don’t deserve to be protected from greedy overzealous money driven insurance companies who work day in and day out trying to figure out ways in order to deny coverage for necessary treatments in order to maximize profits.  But, who cares as long as it isn’t you or your kid or family in general.

As long as it happens to people you never have to see, that is fine and dandy.  But, some of us are willing to pay our fair share in order to ensure that the least of us have the same access to the best health care.  Thank god that we have a seriously good health care plan or who knows what types of fights I would be having.

I probably wouldn’t have one minute to spare.  Actually, I probably would have plenty of time as my child would just be one more of those who are suffering with no care because too many selfish jackasses can only think of themselves and how they need to be ensured they don’t and won’t ever have to help anyone.  Yet, expect to be helped when they need it.

We saw a lot of this when so many people from the auto unions were complaining about being over taxed and those taxes going to give handouts.  But then the minute the auto makers decided to close plants here, the union workers were picketing and crying into the news cameras about how they needed help or they would be losing their homes and medical etc.  REALLY?  I wish someone would have taken them a tape of the town hall meetings they were screaming at and ask them why their views suddenly changed about help.  Who wants a handout now?

When are we going to understand that taxes aren’t a bad thing?  We have tea party fools yelling they don’t want to pay any taxes.  They don’t want to pay taxes yet expect the fire man to miraculously show up to their burning house.  Have the police run in to protect them when something goes wrong.  Have a nicely paved road to drive their fancy new car on.  Or better yet, help bail their company out so they don’t lose their jobs.  And have all of this without shelling out one red cent.

How ignorant have we really become?  No one is saying that taxes are the bomb and we should love it.  But, I am saying that we should be willing to pay our fair share to ensure the betterment of our community.  And by community I mean entire country of fellow citizens.  Not the sheltered little bubble some of you live in, where you don’t ever have to mingle with the insurance deprived.  Well that is until they serve you your Big Mac.

We can all take a page from Zig Ziglar that you can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.  And thus if we want to be healthy happy people, we need to ensure that we are helping others to be healthy and happy as well.


Filed under Community, Responsibility, Social Issues, Society, Thoughts

Hate Is Hate There Is No Middle Ground

Marriage is a human right

There are just a lot of things that are bothering me right now.  And not all of them have to do with racism.  I guess I will just jump right in and rant and vent all my disgust with the world or at least this country right now.  First of all how in the hell is denying gays the right to be just like everyone else NOT hate?  I am trying to figure that out.

After the states that had gay marriage referendums on the ballots actually voted the right down anti gay marriage people came out praising the people for doing the right thing and said that it wasn’t about hate.  Well when blacks were denied the right to marry white people was that NOT about hate?  Wasn’t the whole reason blacks couldn’t marry outside their race due to the fact that some if not most white people hated blacks and wished to keep them out of their blood lines?

So now it is OK to tell part of the population that “you’re totally not equal to me” so it is fine for me to deny you the right to marriage.  I think it is your god given right to believe that gay people are going to hell or that you disagree with what they do behind closed doors.  It is even your right as a clergy person to say that you will not participate in gay marriages.  But since marriage is a legal contract and has nothing to do with a church, the church or any religious beliefs have no business dictating law.

Now this is the ultimate in mixing church and state.  Yet you have all these silly ass people screaming about the founding fathers and the constitution who see no problem with this travesty which is totally ignoring all that the constitution stands for.  For one the constitution allots for separation of church and state.  And the Bill of Rights gives everyone the right to the pursuit of happiness; it also states that ALL men/women are created equal.

How is everyone equal if you are telling some that they shouldn’t be given the same rights as you and I?  This is the same bullshit that is affecting black people.  We are all equal but when companies decide not to hire blacks, too bad.  They need to look for work elsewhere.  Or my favorite, we are all equal but if a company doesn’t want to include or equally represent blacks, blacks should start their own company.

And this crap about protecting marriage is just totally insane.  How is gay marriage going to affect my heterosexual marriage?  People keep saying that they want to defend marriage by denying gays marriage.  HUH?  If you wanted to defend marriage then you would outlaw divorce.  Or better yet outlaw cheating as that seems to destroy more marriages than gays getting married somewhere you don’t even know about.

I wish someone would explain to me exactly how a gay marriage destroyed a heterosexual marriage to the point that we have to defend them from the gay ones.  This is just mind boggling.  I haven’t seen a gay marriage and don’t know any gays, or at least don’t think I do, who have gotten married.  And I bet the plethora of idiots who are voting to keep gays unequal don’t know of any gays who have or are marrying either.

The fact of the matter is, is that most of these people just don’t like the idea of homosexuality and therefore wish to punish those they feel go against their so called religious beliefs.  Well none of these people are holding fast to their religious beliefs anyhow.  Since we know that the bible says judge not less ye be judged.  So why not let god deal with the gay people.  If he felt that what they do is so against him wouldn’t he have smote them already?  Aren’t we ALL children of god?  So get a clue and stop trying to play god under some phony fallacy of a moral compass.  Hate is hate, is hate!  There is no middle ground.


Filed under Current Events, Propaganda, Racism, Social Issues, Society

Are We Americans Really This Stupid?


I think it’s high time for me to do a little bit of venting.  I have been pretty much silent on the health care debate but listening to NPR today just really made me angry.  I practically screamed all the way from our house to Grandma’s pad.

They were talking to people who watched the President speaking about health care last night and what they thought about what he said.  Well there has obviously been a resurgence of crack usage that seems to have escaped the throngs of news reporters who were so quick to let you know about its usage in the black community.

Anyway, a lady was complaining about the fact that the President wants to make it illegal for insurance companies to use pre-existing conditions to deny coverage.  She likened it to having no car insurance even though it’s mandatory then wrecking into a tree and running to Geico and yelling for them too cover you quick.

Now this lady was obviously so high on crack that she sounded like a total idiot.  We all know that there isn’t one way in hell that any insurance company would cover that situation because coverage starts the minute you sign on the dotted line, not retroactively so it doesn’t quite fit this problem.

We know for a fact that insurance companies are NOT denying coverage to people who sat around with no insurance even though they could afford it purely for no reason.  Who got cancer and then said I better go get health insurance to cover this.

Nope, what the President is talking about is this bullshit about people having bogus pre-existing conditions that somehow should preclude the insurance company from paying any further claims even though they have been collecting the person’s money religiously.

What he is talking about would be the fifty year old man who has just gotten a diagnosis for osteoarthritis and the insurance company denies his coverage because when he was ten years old he stubbed his big toe and needed a band aid from the school nurse.  This is the preposterous crap that happens day in and day out.

And to tell you the truth, this idiotic lady will be the first one to cry, holler and scream that things aren’t fair when, not if, but when this happens to her and/or her loved ones.  I have seen this game all too often as I’ve worked at two insurance companies and I’ve worked at countless hospitals.

This isn’t a game, it is real, it happens and it is practically criminal already.  Either they need to be forced into giving the person the care they PAID for or giving them a full refund on their premiums, including those paid by the person’s job.

I guess since this lady hasn’t had to be one of those affected adversely by her insurance company she can stand to sit around and make idiotic comparisons about a real life travesty.  When are people going to think outside of the doggone box?  It doesn’t take much to do some critical thinking.

I believe that our school system has failed so many.  And it seems that their parents didn’t bother to pick up the slack in teaching critical thinking skills either.  Are we American’s really this stupid?


Filed under Hot Topics, Politics, Propaganda, Racism, Rant, Responsibility, Social Issues, Society, Universal Healthcare

When Is It OK To Call A Person A Racist?


I was listening to NPR the other day and the topic was “when is it OK to call someone a racist.”  The only guests they had on were Rick Moran a right wing blogger and Dawn Turner Trice a columnist from the Chicago Tribune.  Both people being white struck me right off that this was going to be quite one sided, which it was and extremely so.

Right off the guest Rick Moran talked about how he has been called a racist and how terrible it made him feel.  Of course he elaborated that the only reason people are calling others racists is to demean the argument and to basically get an upper hand of some sort in an argument.  Huh?  I thought people call others racist because they say something that is obviously racist.

But on the other hand watching this Sotomayor business play out in the media we see that people are trying to utilize the racist term for their own sordid means.  We know that this woman is far from being racist but hey if it works they will continue this weak pathetic reconfiguration of the term racist.

Then on the show Dawn Turner Trice comes on and explains that we can’t just look at one thing to see that a person is a racist.  Somehow we need to have a laundry list of things that will point to them being a racist.  In fact Dawn and Rick basically were saying that racists were people who consorted with the likes of David Duke and wore white sheets on their days off.

The problem with this is you don’t need to be a KKK or other group member to be a racist.  You don’t have to be white nor do you have to be in a position of power the way they explained it.  Because even the lowest white person on the totem pole can still use racism in a way that gives them the upper hand over blacks.  If you don’t believe it you don’t have to look any further than Susan Smith or the other white women who have pointed the finger at a nondescript black man.  The story usually ends the same.

They asked for people to call in and tell whether they had ever called someone a racist or been called a racist and what it was like.  Well I have had plenty of opportunities to call people a racist and have been called a racist more than once for writing that blacks deserve equality.  And I know that the folks that I have called out for their racism are ones who talk incessantly about black stereotypes, phony statistics, propaganda and other blatantly racist statements.

When calling someone out as a racist you shouldn’t be trying to use it as an argument ploy.  It isn’t about getting some phony upper hand, putting the conversation in your favor or trying to make people feel bad.  I think it is as simple as pointing out the truth.  And if it makes a person feel bad, hey, the truth hurts, right.   If it walks like a racist and talks like a racist then ten times out of ten it IS a racist.  And having a conversation about when should people call a person a racist is idiotic.  You call it when you see it!


Filed under Racism, Social Issues, Society, Thoughts

United’s Not So Friendly Skies

A United Flight Attendant Modeling New Uniform

A United Flight Attendant Modeling New Uniform

So now United Airlines wants to charge what they term “obese” passengers with a double fee for flying their so called friendly skies. I guess those skies aren’t so friendly for those who are a bit on the heavy side. I guess I have a few problems with these companies and restaurants etc trying to charge or ban those who are overweight. And it is simply because it is very subjective. Who is going to be in charge of making that decision? Are they going to bust out of the back and embarrass the person in front of everyone and have them step on a scale in order to confirm.

That doesn’t sound friendly at all. Not to mention are they going to also make a stinky person tax. I have actually had to sit next to a guy who was stinky as all get out and that was on United. I guess they only care about their passengers comfort in that they don’t have their space invaded by a fat person. But could care less if other are around you with their crying babies, stinking bodies, loud talking, ugly looking, over perfumed/cologned and otherwise invasive behaviors.

They have never cared for your comfort before and this is no bigger a problem then any of the other things I’ve mentioned. If they REALLY cared for my comfort then they would find a way to allow me to bring my own freaking food and drinks on their lame ass planes. Snatching someone’s sealed Snapple isn’t going to make me any safer, trust me.

I mean being in the medical field I know that there is a LOT of disorders, diseases and medications that have the side affect of weight gain/obesity. And are those people going to be made to pay for something that they have NO control over? And if that is the case are people who are extremely skinny or anorexic going to be able to get their tickets cut in half since they are taking up the space of only half that of a normal weight passenger.

Hell where does it end? What about pregnant women? They can be considered overweight as well. How about body builders they also are considered over weight due to weight/height charts. This is a big can of worms they really shouldn’t want to open. Because to me this is just a small leap from charging Muslims or black extra because they are more likely than others to disrupt the plane in some way. When more than likely it is the little old lady next to you who will complain about any and every thing no matter what or how small.

I guess we can now expect to step on the scale at the airport or be subjected to a game of guess the fat person’s weight by United Airline ticket counter workers. How about we just save a lot of time and trouble and amend the constitution to say that overweight people be banned from airlines altogether? Oh boy we are quickly becoming a nation of people who just has to find someway to subjugate the next guy, no matter how ridiculous the case.


Filed under Air Travel, Big Business, Hot Topics, Minorities, Social Issues, Society, Stupid

Self Fulfilling Prophecy


The new ABC show “What would you do” did a piece on race where they had three white and then three black kids vandalizing and breaking into a car. They wanted to see if there would be a different response to each group of kids. And of course there was a huge difference in how they were received.

Now I get my share of nay sayers on this blog. They comment about how racism has ended and people like me are the ones who are keeping it alive. Then something like this comes along and not surprisingly will not change their position one bit. They just have an excuse for it.

Now if you’ve seen this piece then you already know that the black kids received about ten calls and were accosted by plenty of walkers by about their supposed abhorrent behavior. And of course there was only one call about the white kids doing the exact same thing. In fact the black family members of one of the black actors received about three calls because they were sleeping in their car.

They talked with some of the people who had called or accosted the black kids and one lady said it plain and simple, those black kids came to their neighborhood, their backyard and started creating trouble. She just assumed that those black kids weren’t from around there. Which in a neighborhood which is predominantly white like that one; it is not that surprising she would make that assumption. It is the same assumption which leads cops to stop blacks for driving expensive cars or driving through certain areas; it is perceived that they don’t belong.

The problem is that this is one of the main reasons we have such discrepancy in the legal system and that so many blacks are in jail opposed to whites. Now of course you will have those who will guffaw at this thought and go back to the blacks commit more crimes or whatever. Yet, you see first hand that blacks and whites were committing the exact same crime and people walked by the white kids and said they were just being kids.

And as far as I can see, it is the old adage of a self fulfilling prophecy. White people such a previous comment leaver named Charlie presented that very thing by saying that the white kids who had done a crime had a future so did not need to be jailed due to a perceived “small crime”. Whereas black kids had no futures since they were probably drop outs and making money from crime etc should be shaken down at every opportunity.

Now the reason this is a self fulfilling prophecy is that the white people see those black kids as having no future and are hard criminals so therefore they had better call the cops so that they get what is coming to them. While these people see the same crimes being perpetrated by the white kids and seeing that they do have a future and would be negligent to somehow contribute to interrupting that future.

Yet, people continue to make excuses for the blatant discrimination of blacks because somehow they feel they have to crack down hard on black people due to the perception that they are more criminal. And what do they offer as proof, the fact that more blacks are in jail. And of course deny that the direct cause is what this show shed light on which is the fact that the dominant community continues to see blacks as the problem and diligently make it their duty to ensure that blacks are held accountable while choosing to overlook the criminal activity of the members of their own community.

Trust me this will continue to happen time and time again without the watchful eye of a hidden television camera and a slew of actors. Those black kids would probably be sitting in jail right now if that were real life. And those white kids would be speeding away in a stolen car to continue their criminal lifestyle. The actors family who fell asleep in their car would also either be in jail or be harassed by the cops for being where they don’t seem to fit in. And the one terrible fact is that this scenario IS real life and plays itself out in a plethora of ways daily in America.


Filed under Black community, Propaganda, Racism, Society

Does Affirmative Action Hurt


As I receive a plethora of comments for my posts about Ron Paul I have noticed a theme to the ones that talk about affirmative action. Somehow people are equating affirmative action with some sort of hand out or some sort of mandated free job system for all these unqualified opportunistic blacks who don’t deserve to have them. Now I personally equate these comments to racist mindsets. I feel this is due to the fact that if they didn’t already feel that blacks were unworthy of the jobs that they do receive.

Now what exactly makes these people think that the blacks are getting jobs that they aren’t qualified for? I have never nor has anyone I know ever been able to fall into a job that they were not qualified for. This is just more racist thinking that many have and refuse to acknowledge as such. I have repeatedly asked these people to explain why these blacks are unqualified or how and where these jobs were gotten.

With the thinking that no blacks are ever qualified this is contrary to the truth. Blacks getting jobs usually have to be twice as qualified as the next person in order to get the jobs they are going for, affirmative action or not. Just like one commenter said, blacks have to work twice as hard to prove to whites that they are worthy. I have to laugh that people are so quick to judge all blacks as unqualified even though they don’t know the qualifications of just a hand full of any particular blacks.

So from what they are saying, blacks just want a handout, that we should be shamed to be given something for nothing. When did trying to get a job become wanting a handout? Is it a handout when white people are applying for a job, of course not because it is accepted that they would be qualified for any job they apply for. Yet they turn right around and tell me of the racist nature of affirmative action.

When has anyone ever talked about the affirmative action that whites receive? All the while blacks were kept from the workforce due to Jim Crow and other racist programs aimed at preserving white domination in the workforce. Why are they not complaining about all the white women who are benefiting even more from affirmative action than any black person?

We have been led to believe that all the while whites have benefited from their own brand of affirmative action it is somehow now a problem when there is a program aimed at someone other than white males. We as blacks should somehow be ashamed that someone was trying to come up with something, anything that would even the playing field between white males and minorities even though it is woefully inadequate.

I understand that people feel that this is nothing more than a handout that disenfranchises white males. Because we all know that white males have such a hard time finding jobs in this white male dominated marketplace. By all accounts if affirmative action is this big job handout program there really shouldn’t be any unemployed black who have applied for more than one job. Since if the jobs are being handed out the first one they applied for would be theirs no questions asked. Yet we know full well that blacks or over represented on the unemployment lines.

Should we believe this is due to the fact that blacks somehow don’t want jobs? Even these free handout jobs that they don’t even have to be qualified for. I suppose that I should just clear the air and let people know that the Eddie Murphy movie Trading Places was a joke. Black homeless people really aren’t being snatched off the streets and thrown into the lap of luxury running a stock brokerage firm. Yet this is what comes to mind when some people talk about how blacks are receiving these handouts in the form of employment. Or the fact that they are saying that blacks are not qualified yet they got the job at the expense of a more qualified white man.

Affirmative action is a catchall phrase referring to laws, customs, and social policies intended to alleviate the types of discrimination that limit opportunities for a variety of demographic groups in various social institutions. And for us to believe that these laws, customs and social policies are hurting people you would have to first believe that the playing field for all people is an even one. Yet if you believe that then you would need to explain a whole slew of other problems facing our society. Such as blacks only earn 78% of what whites earn, blacks are still under represented in all facets of corporate America and black unemployment is more than double that of white unemployment.

These discrepancies between blacks and whites are just the tip of the iceberg. There are tons of other “documented” differences that can’t be explained away with blacks just don’t want to do better etc. A person named Ana who replied to my Blog once said “what group? white people are not a ‘group’ that has some special, common interest. white people are individuals whose foremost concerns is their own good and the good of their families and friends – not the good of other white people.

This is exactly my point if every white person is doing what Ana said, whites are looking out for the concerns of their friends and families who happen to be white like them. This is the epitome of the white privilege or white affirmative action of which I speak. And for Ana to say this is showing her protection of the white group and how they do come together to protect the group Yet a black person having affirmative action which is a suggestion of sorts that if they are most qualified for a position they will not be passed over merely for the color of their skin. But the facts show that this so called suggestion has no real teeth. Blacks are constantly passed over and this is due to the ingrained thinking that most whites have that blacks are unqualified, unworthy and thus undeserving of whatever employment they are seeking.


Filed under African, African American, American society, Big Business, Black community, Black Culture, Black Family, Black People, Diversity, Government, History, Integration, Minorities, Personal, Propaganda, Racism, Random Thoughts, Rant, Responsibility, Social Issues, Society, Subjugation, Tolerance, Work

Will Casey Aldridge Do Time For Jamie Lynn?



Jamie Lynn Spears who is sixteen is pregnant what a surprise; OK it isn’t really much of a surprise since look at her family which seems to be a train wreck in progress. Any how I am not writing because I could care less that this dumb little girl is pregnant or not. What I care about is the fact that she is pregnant by her boyfriend of two years Casey Aldridge who is nineteen is the father. Now if I am not mistaken in California where her show is being taped and probably the place where the little tart probably did the deed the age of consent is eighteen.

I am wondering if this fellow will be charged with misdemeanor sex with a minor which is punishable by one year in jail. And if it turns out that he is older than her by more than actual three years he can be charged with a felony and punished to an undefined prison term. Now I only ask this since Genarlow Wilson was jailed for two years and would have been longer if people hadn’t gotten out and protested it. Yet he was seventeen and the girl was fifteen. So it seems to me that this guy needs to get the same treatment since it doesn’t matter if he is a celebrity of not. The law states clearly that if the man is over eighteen and the girl under eighteen that a misdemeanor has been committed and someone has to pay.

And exactly what kind of message is this sending to her young fans who are watching her show on Nickelodeon called Zoey 101. What kind of mother helps her daughter sell the story of her pregnancy to a magazine for one million dollars? The magazine OK will pay Jamie Lynn the million dollars when the baby is born. It seems that the Spears mother was not above helping this daughter to capitalize off of this sad news. Yet look at the mess that older daughter Brittney has made of her life and that of her children and you can pretty much see what kind of parent we are dealing with.

This is just a seriously stupid situation to me since Jamie Lynn is now telling other teen girls that having sex at a young age is wrong and to wait, blah, blah, blah. Yet actions speak louder than words. I would think that she and her family had enough money to get her in to see a doctor and plan for some sort of birth control. The family knew that she was in this “serious” relationship, and I use that term lightly, when the girl started dating this boy when she was thirteen. Why hadn’t they had “the talk” so that this type of thing could be avoided?

Unfortunately I don’t hold much hope for her fan base that will undoubtedly find whatever she has done now cool and want to emulate her or at least be under the impression that having sex now is not as bad an idea as they might have thought. I sure hope that the parents of these girls do some serious damage control and talk with them and give them the information showing why having children in your teens is a BAD idea. All I can do is wish this lost girl good luck since if she is anything like her older sister she is bound to need it.


Filed under Abortion, Actors, Birth Control, Culture, Current Events, Family values, Hot Topics, Life, Personal, Random Thoughts, Rant, Responsibility, Sex Education, Social Issues, Society, Teens, Thoughts

Yes It’s Ladies Night



Some say that discrimination lawsuits are out of control. I happen not to think so, yet the story I have been hearing and reading in the news definitely takes it a bit too far to me as well. A lawyer and his client are suing a night club over ladies night. He claims that the practice is gender discrimination and benefits women to men’s expense. Yet you can also look at this from another perspective and even see how stupid this case is by applying it to other types of benefits.

If you look at it from the point of men might be luckier because of ladies night then the men might not be so offended by this practice. Ladies are less likely to frequent bars as much as men and since the men in these particular bars are there for the women and not male company by offering the women an incentive to come out this benefits the men who now have a plethora of ladies to approach. Also, since the ladies drinks etc are half price and in some cases free, the men that want to buy drinks will do so at with less of an expense than other days. Sure these may be small benefits yet if that particular man gets lucky due to ladies nights will be less likely to hate the discrepancy.

Now is ladies night a discriminatory practice? I guess you can look at it that way. Yet, isn’t men holding a woman’s chair out, holding open a door or putting on her jacket acts of discrimination as well since they are done for women and not men? I don’t think so. Some differences are to be expected in the treatment of men vs. women. I know that the feminists are about to explode right now, yet I do feel that these differences do not amount to anything detrimental or hurtful with respects to men. I personally feel that women should be treated as women and love the gestures associated with being a woman. I like for a man to hold the door or bring me flowers etc.

In order for me to agree with the discrimination charge they would have to show me exactly how the men are being injured by the practice of ladies night. Wasn’t the man going to have to pay for entry and drinks etc anyway so whether the women get in free or at a reduced rate isn’t going to change this. It isn’t going to stop men from getting into the clubs or bar, now if the men are being turned away in order for the women to get into the bar for free then I would agree that the men have been harmed or maligned by the practice.

Now what if like the defense attorney said we start to apply this to other types of situations where one group benefits. I don’t mean such as races, I mean things such as Motel 6 allows kids to stay free, should the elderly sue. Restaurants let kids eat free under a certain age and have special priced menus for those of retirement age. I don’t think that anyone is actually being hurt by these practices. No one is being denied income, housing or medical care with these practices. Also, no one is saying that they won’t serve certain people; they are actually making it easier for some to frequent those businesses. If a family is on a budget they are more likely to go to a place in which their children eat free. Or elderly on a budget probably will frequent places where they get a better deal.

If they want to put an end to ladies night, I could care less since I don’t frequent bars or night clubs. But, I feel that the men who are suing are cutting off their noses to spite their face because if the women no longer frequent the bars and club these same men will be upset that there aren’t a larger number of women to make the night enjoyable. I guess next they will be suing for the right to have women open doors and pull out their chairs as well.


Filed under African American, American society, Black community, Black Culture, Black People, Community, Culture, Current Events, Hot Topics, Interesting, Personal, Random Thoughts, Rant, Society, Stupid

Mall Murdering Misfit’s Transformation


Isn’t this an interesting turn of events that Robert Hawkins is all over the news after killing eight people and wounding five others, is being talked about as if he was such a tortured soul and worthy of our sympathy. Yet what sympathy was shown for Kiehl Coppin who also had mental problems yet was shot by police in a hail of twenty bullets after seeing what they thought was a gun which in reality was only a hairbrush. What do we know of his background except the fact that the police claim he said over and over that he “wanted” to die.

As I watch the news this morning every station is doing stories on Robert Hawkins background, the fact that he broke up with his girlfriend, lost his job and overall felt like a burden to those around him. Now tell me again what was the problem with Kiehl Coppin? What was his dilemma that caused him to act out on that faithful day the cops decided he needed twenty bullets as the cure. How many people did Kiehl kill that made him so detested by the news who could only point the finger at him and say that he “was” the problem. He as well as Robert couldn’t get healthcare for their mental dilemmas yet only one of them is seen as a case for why mental health needs closer scrutiny.

One news caster actually stated “how sad this young life ended feeling so tortured that he actually had to pick up a gun and do something so heinous to feel he mattered.” He was even described as “introverted, a troubled young man who was like a lost pound puppy that nobody wanted.” Exactly how tortured was poor Kiehl who was in his own home feeling poorly and in desperate need of mental care or maybe he was a lost puppy that it seems his mother wanted. In fact the only things that news casters reported about Kiehl was he had a history of violence, mental illness and arrests.

This is the second day that we are seeing around the clock coverage talking about Robert Hawkins and his tortured background and we saw all of about a few hours of coverage for a murder by cop victim who had a similar background just the wrong skin color. I am always fascinated as to what makes one person a media darling and the other a media pariah. Maybe if Kiehl had gotten a gun climbed the clock tower and taken out the town he would have gotten a little more sympathy from the news, media and people in general.

As I read the Blogs about both situations it became increasingly clear that this was a case of racial differences. I read more than a few comments for Kiehl that said “So a mentally deficient nigger is shot dead for not following directions. I can’t find the tears for this, LIBS.” And “His own mother called the cops saying he was threatening her life. People making a big deal about this are probably a bunch of criminal rats themselves.” These were taken from halfricanrevolution. Yet the comments heard for Robert are ones of sorrow even linking what he did to the fact that he was taking anti depressants and that was the reason for his outburst. Even his old school principal where he dropped out of school said he was a good kid and never ever showed any violence towards neither students nor teachers.

How many of Kiehl’s family, friends, teachers or principals did the press or anyone else talk with in order to find out what a tortured soul he was? Did they even care or was the whole point of coverage meant to show how the cops did what was necessary to stop what they felt was a dangerous and violent person who may have had a gun. When are we going to stop having this black equals guilty, bad or just plain doesn’t matter attitude when it comes to victims and perpetrators. If we are going to look at the fact that one mentally deranged person is becoming the martyr that he wanted while another deranged person is just gunned down without anyone’s pity, let’s just take out all the discrepancies and report the crime and be done with it all.


Filed under African American, American society, Black community, Black Culture, Black Family, Black People, Community, contagious shooting, Criminals, Current Events, Hot Topics, Interesting, Justifiable homicide, Minorities, Personal, Police Officer, Propaganda, Racism, Random, Rant, Responsibility, Social Issues, Society, Subjugation, Thoughts