Category Archives: Social Issues

Why Blacks Support The Trayvon Martin Case?

What is it about the Trayvon Martin case that a lot of people just don’t get?  I was reading a news story about an old white man who was beaten by a group of 6 black boys after saying to them…Remember Trayvon Martin.  And the 6 black youths were arrested and are now in jail awaiting trial.

But, yet people continuously want to point out Al Sharpton’s involvement with the Tawana Brawley fiasco or the Duke LaCrosse case.  As if these two incidents are the quintessential equivalents of the Trayvon Martin case.  Or somehow because a black person made false claims in these two cases, the case against Zimmerman is either false or somehow irrelevant.

And people are also making other comments about the 6 black youths vs. white man such as “if this were the other way around, it would be seen as a hate crime”  or “Were is the FBI? Jesse? Sharpton? and every one else? Rally to take place at the Toledo Police station Monday april 9th at noon to demand justice in this case please be there. Please email me at if you plan to attend!”

OK.  Who reading this is wondering to themselves at this very moment “what lack of justice are they speaking of that needs to be had in this case?”  What exactly is it that is causing a problem for Mike shown above who is looking to go to a rally for justice in a case?  It can’t be the fact that the alleged perpetrators are in jail, it can’t be that the wheels of justice are turning and quite quickly I might add.  So is the only thing that would spell justice for Mike, would be for black people to rally around this white man and denounce the actions of the 6 black youths?  Something he obviously has yet to do for Trayvon.

OK, Mike, for what it is worth…I think that it was horrible for those black kids to beat up this white man for whatever reasons they have.  I hope that when all the evidence is revealed that it doesn’t show that they felt threatened when the man said to them to remember Trayvon Martin.  Which he claimed was his way to, as he said; to show them we are all on the same side.

Because, unfortunately, if some white man said that to me, I would be fearful he was planning to make ME the next Trayvon Martin.  And I would interpret him to mean DEAD.  And thus might feel the need to protect myself from this could/would be Zimmerman knockoff.  So, I guess that could be an excuse for them.  Maybe, but we see there is no lack of excuses for Zimmerman as well.

I guess he (Mike) wants to see hate crime charges brought.  That is fine “if” that is what he wants.  But, at least he has solace in seeing the wheels of justice moving, the alleged perpetrators in jail and an actual investigation being done.  And all this being done WITHOUT the victim’s family going to extreme measures of rallying a public outrage to get the same justice.  Somehow this white victim just has the luxury of this justice automatically.

I would love for Mike there to show me the one case where a white person be it man, woman or child who was killed by a black man and that black man was allowed to go home WITH the murder weapon the same night as the killing, and no further questions asked by the police of that case.  And the case closed after 7 hours of investigation that did NOT include any forensic, DNA, witness statements nor any other form of evidence outside of the perpetrators lone statement?  I would LOVE for someone to dig that case up.

For anyone who is confused as to WHY black people are on board this case, it is because the crime was just set aside and no one wanted to look into it any further.  This man whether white or Hispanic or as he classified himself white Hispanic, man killed an innocent unarmed person without any investigation to corroborate his story was allowed to go free.  And the police had attempted to force the parents into accepting that the man killed their unarmed son in self-defense without a shred of evidence to back that statement up.

I don’t think that anyone would sit idly by and allow that to go unchallenged if that were their child or if this was some white kid walking in a predominantly black area and the black man were the alleged perpetrator.  That is why this is so raw for the black community.  This is NOT the first case of an unarmed black person shot dead at the hands of a person who did not get arrested, charged or eventually ruled innocent of any wrong doing.

And it is frankly unbelievable to me that anyone even needs to spell this out to them.  I can’t believe that it is so hard to fathom why black people are calling for justice.  Why is it so hard for some to identify with an obvious injustice no matter the race of the people?  If the people heard this travesty without hearing the race of the people would they have a hard time understanding the outrage then?

Is this a case of willful ignorance in order to justify a group mentality that has always deemed the black man a threat no matter what situation we see them in?  We have to keep black people under control no matter what the cost, situation or outcome of that situation.  A lot of white people thought Rodney King was in control even though he was surrounded by 7 police officers who were beating him with batons as he lie on the ground.  And a jury still believed that he could have stopped them at any moment.

A woman named Tarika Wilson was shot to death THROUGH her one year old baby and the cops who did it were deemed to have acted appropriated because of course this black woman holding a baby was still a threat to the police even though again unarmed.  How many times do we need to see this very crime perpetrated upon members of the black community while those from the predominant white community make statements that it was understandable based on the so called fact that the white/non-black person pulling the trigger was in fear of an unarmed black who supposedly had all the control.

We allow the dominant predominantly white community to cry that blacks are so scary it is understandable that they pull the trigger when facing a black person in any type situation even if the story sound as outlandish as Zimmerman’s tall tales.  When does the opposite occur in that blacks become so fearful of white people that we jump the gun in defense of ourselves against them?

Would this new reversal of fear be acceptable and we can then justify doing nothing at all or hearing about nothing being done and have so many members of society agree that it was justifiable to do nothing.  Would we ever then see the members of predominantly white society see a case where Zimmerman is black and Trayvon is white and then tell the outraged people to just have a look at whatever case is out there at the moment which shows a white person killing or harming a black person and ask them why they aren’t outraged over that as well; even when the cases are ridiculously different.

It won’t happen because somehow we are again under a group mentality that white people are NOT a monolith.  If one commits a crime, doesn’t mean I must fear them ALL.  Yet, blacks do not, and have never gotten that same consideration.  And in fact we deem blacks as negative actors even when the perpetrators are white.  We have so many Susan Smith’s, Bonnie Sweeten’s, Ashley Todd’s, Bethany Storro’s, Michael Daragjati’s, Mary Turcotte’s, Charles Stuart’s and Brian Wells’ out there to feed this very stereotype for the masses like crack addicts scurrying for the last rock of crack.

How do we stop this?  How do we back away from the precipice that we see ourselves on at this very moment?  We all need to take a step back and understand that it is beyond time to start seeing things through the eyes of our black citizens as we already do those of our predominantly white majority.

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Filed under African American, American society, Black community, Black Culture, Black Family, Black People, Criminals, Hot Topics, Justice, Justifiable homicide, Lynching, Minorities, Racism, Social Issues

Never Underestimate The Stupidity Of Idiots

After reading one of my comments I of course felt a post coming on.  This person I am about to respond to is just like all the others that made the very reason why I went on hiatus.  Too much stupidity in one place is a dangerous thing.  So, let’s just jump right in and get this party started, shall we?

My new friend Stephen Conklin asks: “First of all, what do black people not have in this country that white people do? You are showing your racism right there.”

Really, I am showing my racism by pointing out that there is disparity between races?  This is a real question?  Well I guess some people really are clueless.  OK Stephen I’ll bite.  How about we just list it out with reference so that you will be happy to have it backed up.  But then you can’t really complain.

  •  Wealth – The median wealth of white households is 20 times that of black households according to a Pew Research Center analysis of newly available government data from 2009. (Boy, what is it now after this recession?  Do you think it grew or shrank?)

I guess you really can’t argue with that one unless you are going to tell me that black people just don’t want wealth, so they go about trying to ensure they have none.  Or there is a real system of inequality in this country.  Hmmm?

  • Jobs – Blacks are unemployed right now at a rate of twice that of whites.  Black unemployment surged to 16.7% in August, its highest level since 1984, while the unemployment rate for whites fell slightly to 8%, the Labor Department reported.  Black unemployment has been roughly double that of whites since the government started tracking the figures in 1972

And I guess you are going to say that black people just don’t want to work.  But somehow they want to complain about unemployment for blacks.  Hmm, doesn’t make sense, because if we didn’t want to work, we would all be happy about the numbers of unemployed blacks versus whites and then ask why more aren’t unemployed.  Or can we look at the study by Devah Pager which showed that black men with NO criminal record and a 4 year college degree got far less job offers than white men with a felony record.  Stephen, how do we explain this?  Is it *GASP* disparity?  Is it something that white men have – the fallacy that they are somehow better than black men, even when they have a criminal record?  OH MY, what exactly could this study be showing us?  Who knows right?

But people such as you will deny that this has anything to do with racism, it is just a side effect of something else.  Why don’t you enlighten us as to why black unemployment is always double white unemployment?  Because if blacks have everything whites have and every opportunity whites have then we should have similar unemployment rates.  So what is the problem here?  Lazy blacks, illegal immigrants taking black jobs or maybe it is just another example of how blacks are the last hired and the first fired as most blacks in the workforce already know.

  • Home ownership – Home ownership rates for African Americans is 48% (compared to 75% for Whites) according to newly released U.S. Census data from 2009. (Boy, I wonder what those rates are since this recession. Stephen, they sure as hell didn’t get better after 2009, you think?)

Now why is this?  It can’t be that blacks just decided, “Hey, we don’t want houses or a way to build wealth for our families.”  In fact we don’t want houses or jobs.  That’s it right Stephen?  Or maybe the redlining, racist lending practices and last hired, first fired is making a showing in the housing market as well.  But of course this doesn’t mean that white people have something black people don’t have.  This just means that blacks don’t have stuff white people DO have.  LOL.

  • Education –  According to The Maynard Institute more than 25 years after Brown v. Board of Education integrated the public schools, schools remain segregated. Studies establish that segregation perpetuates racial inequality. Teachers assigned to minority schools are more likely to be inexperienced or teaching outside their fields of expertise. Schools serving minority communities receive less financing and fewer schools are constructed in minority communities. Black and brown children are disciplined more harshly and frequently for the same offenses as white children.
But of course this is because black children don’t want to learn right?  Everything showing disparity between the races proving that whites DO have things blacks don’t, can always be summed up as just a byproduct of blacks lack of desire for these things.  Not that the American system is inherently set up to create these disparities.  You see Stephen after slavery was abolished, Jim Crow reared its ugly head, then after Jim Crow we now have a supposed underground system even if highly blatant disparity that people like you pretend not to see.  Even though it is glaring in your face like the pretty lights blinking on any of the casinos littering the strip in Las Vegas.
But, please don’t let me open your eyes.  Just continue to sleep and pretend that its all equal and all black people have to do is pull themselves up by these non existent boot straps and just have what whites have.  Because we black people never contemplated doing that at all.  In fact we just never thought of just having these things.  Hey, I am going to go and tell all the blacks, “Just have exactly what whites have!”  Now, we can just do it.  Thanks Stephen, you really showed me and the rest of black America that it was in our hands the whole time and all we had to do was do it.  That college degree holding black man can now say, I’ll get that job no matter what felony wielding white man comes in for the position too.  I will just TAKE that job.  Thanks, Stephen you opened up all of our eyes!

But back to the REAL world, WHY is it that I have to consistently implore you to do a little research before coming to my blog and talking crap?  Second time you haven’t listened and again the second time you look like an idiot.  And yes, I called you a name.  It is how we label someone when they are behaving in a manner that calls for their behavior to be explained to many people.

If you feel that my calling you what you come here and showing me you must be, then by all means don’t come here.  I didn’t come to you and call you a name, you came here and acted in a fashion that warranted a name.  If it talks like a moron, writes like a moron and thinks like a moron, then the chances are overwhelming that it IS a moron.  Sorry.

Good luck next time.  But, again, do some research before bringing your tripe.  I don’t like stupidity for the sake of stupidity.  Oh, and I will answer the rest of your tripe in due time.



Filed under African American, Black community, Black Culture, Black Family, Black People, Discrimination, Diversity, Propaganda, Racism, Responsibility, Social Issues, Statistics, Stupid Guy, Subjugation

M O R O N – That Spells Tea Party

Click for video of John Fleming on Chris Jansing

Waaahhh, I only have 400 thousand dollars left over after feeding my family!  Is what Tea Party congressman John Fleming’s cried on Jansing & Co. this morning about Obama’s plan to tax the wealthy as much as the middle class.  Can this idiot be for real?

We have people and a lot of them in this country as well as in the Tea Party who have to “get along” with more like 40 thousand dollars or less a year and he is crying over 400 thousand.  That just pisses me off to the core.  This is the selfish bullshit that we are dealing with in some of the worst economic times ever.

Not only is this Tea Party sucker bitching and moaning about paying more taxes, but he and his cohorts are also saying that we need to cut spending on programs for the poor as well as “raise” taxes on those same poor folks.  Because lord knows those poor suckers who after feeding their families are left with a good 200 dollars for the year as income should be forking out at least a hundred and fifty of that to pay down the deficit consisting mainly of tax cuts for John Fleming and those like his selfish ass.

Poor John Fleming sitting there in his million dollars or better home with his family just trying to survive and here we are trying to create class warfare with his kind by taking more of those 400 thousand dollar crumbs of his is after his businesses brought in 6.3 million dollars for the year.  I guess when he said 400 thousand; he totally forgot the 173 thousand a year he also gets by being a congressman.  But, why split hairs, we know he is just on the cusp of the poor house; and with that kind of money coming in every year, who can remember it all.

The class warfare is that the Republican and Tea Party believes that not only do the rich need to pay less into the society that is putting the money in their pockets, but somehow the poor should be paying more to ensure that they have the means to pay less.  How sick is that?  This has been a long time coming and people better start looking at the writing on the wall before it’s too late.

Even Jansing told the idiot that he position to the majority of America isn’t very sympathetic.  He could care less because his answer was the “class warfare never created one job.”  But, you know what Mr. Fleming, a tax cut for a selfish wealthy bastard never created one job either.  In fact the years that we had all these tax cuts for the rich, the only thing that happened was that we started losing jobs faster than ever.

Because what Fleming doesn’t understand is that he has the whole economic structure backwards.  He believes that those at the top or company owners create jobs when in fact it is those at the bottom who create jobs.  It probably sounds nuts but hear me out.  If I open a lemonade stand, I have to have a demand for my lemonade from the thirsty people looking for a good deal on a cold drink on a hot day.

Neither Mr. Fleming nor his cohorts are cruising the streets looking for lemonade as these people only make up one percent of the population anyway.  It is the hard working people that are my customers.  And any kid with a paper route, lemonade stand or girl scout selling cookies understands that you aren’t going to do any business if you have no customers or your customers have no money to spend.

Mr. Flemings owns a lot of Subway sandwich shops and he isn’t going to tell me that somehow if he has lower taxes and the poor have higher taxes he is going to do some brisk business.  In fact we all know that he will do very poorly.  If the people have no money or less money frivolous spending at sub shops will decline.  Those moneyless people will be better off buying a loaf of bread and a package of baloney at the super market for the price of one sub sandwich.  So, who is fooling who here?

But, you see it doesn’t just stop there.  He and his cohorts want to cut all government programs so that those poor folks won’t even get food stamps to buy their bread and baloney.  But, unfortunately for Mr. Fleming, they won’t have money for food, but they damn sure won’t have money for his stupid submarine sandwich.

I guess we’ll see his stupid face in the soup kitchen line right along with the rest of us.  You can’t build a business with moneyless customers.  And if your customers have no money, you my friend will eventually have no money either.

M O R O N – that spells Tea Party, lawds yes.


Filed under Current Events, Government, Obama, Politics, Propaganda, Rant, Social Issues, Tea Party

Who Cares About Hunger When You Have A Meat Suit

The sheer audacity of some people is a line that I seem to be repeating consistently these days.  I know that I haven’t written an article in quite some time as I have some family affairs to deal with at this time which to me were and are more pressing.  Anyhow, this is about the MTV music awards.  Now mind you I don’t watch any music awards as they are all about stupidity and music that I could care less to listen to.  Not to mention about supposed stars that I could care less to neither see nor listen too.

But, in watching the news, which I DO like to partake in, I saw that Lady Gaga wore a meat suit to these stupid awards.  Now most of the time I could care less like I was saying, but for some reason this got on my nerves like nothing else, well maybe unlike watching bits and pieces of some stupid Rock Hudson film this weekend.  And I just had, and I mean HAD to spew my disgust and issues regarding this fool.  I know that people will tell me that she is just pushing the envelope sort of like Madonna did in her time.  Even though one can or could argue that at least Madonna had some talent to go along with her nutty trend setting.

But for me this fool has neither talent nor taste.  And that is a bad combination to say the least.  Now let’s get a move on to what pisses me off about this so called fashion statement.  We are in a recession and people are finding it hard enough to put food on the table and this idiot wears around food like a dress.  I am not a PETA fan nor am I a big fan of meat, especially red meat.  But, my problem with this chick is that there are so many starving and hungry people and she busts out with an outfit saying who cares that you’re hungry, I have so much money I can wear food until it rots off of me.

I find it insensitive and incredibly tasteless.  I understand that people will cry about the fact that she isn’t saying anything with her dress of meat.  That she is just trying to be outrageous and push the envelope as far as it will go until it literally disintegrates.  I feel that people should be able to do what they want UNLESS it is totally distasteful, insensitive or just plain stupid.  And her antics cover all three.  She should think of those listeners who might be struggling with what the Bush administration referred to as having food insecurity.

But unfortunately to me the only thing that she did was give a middle finger to all the starving or should I say food insecure people all over the world.  Actually I could not care less if this chick had more talent than all the supposed celebrities in the world.  It would not in my humble opinion make her any less ridiculous for her tasteless meaty antics.  Just my two cents and that is all that matters to me.


Filed under Current Events, Hot Topics, Materialism, MTV, Random Thoughts, Rant, Responsibility, Social Issues

My Return From Hiatus

Well, I have been away on a long over due hiatus.  And I didn’t even give anyone a heads up that I was taking this little hiatus and I am sorry about that.  Hey, I needed a little me time.  And trust me I have been using my time wisely.

For one, I had been thinking a lot about the ridiculous comments that I get on this blog.  And just grew tired of the same mindless drivel flowing so freely from the minds of the zombie like idiots that come my way.  It just boggles the mind that these people are actually voting and working amongst us.  Scary!

Next, I decided to do a tune up on the two kid mommy body.  I X’d it out with some P90X and I am ecstatically happy about the results I am getting.  I can’t wait to do this again.  Sounds like torture but you know what, once you start seeing the results you don’t want to stop.

We have had this system for a good 3 years, since my significant other, the fit and fabulous guy he is, did the p90X right after I had our little bundle of joy.   And I wish I had engaged in it sooner.  I did do the diet portion since I needed to cook for him while he X’d it out.  But, I wasn’t ready for the exercise regimen and probably wouldn’t have finished.  Actually I KNOW I wouldn’t have finished.  I am glad I waited because now was the perfect time.

And last but certainly not least, I have been giving my kids way more time for going to the park and fun things like that.  My youngest son needs different therapies and I wanted to take this time to make totally certain that he is getting and will get the best care that he deserves.  Being an advocate for your child, and probably anyone, is very time consuming.

I am sure this becomes painfully more time consuming when you have to fight with insurance companies who wish to stiff your child and deny them the critical services that they need to be healthy.  It is ridiculous.  And for people to sit around and complain about the health care bill being too much and how it is terrible need to suddenly find themselves with a disorder or a child with a disorder, syndrome or some other illness that requires intensive treatment.  Then their little tune will change immediately.  I have problems with the bill as well.  Not because it does too much, but because it doesn’t do enough!  They needed to go miles further.

There is nothing worse than a bunch of ignorant people who never have to use their health care to sit around and tell others that they don’t deserve to be protected from greedy overzealous money driven insurance companies who work day in and day out trying to figure out ways in order to deny coverage for necessary treatments in order to maximize profits.  But, who cares as long as it isn’t you or your kid or family in general.

As long as it happens to people you never have to see, that is fine and dandy.  But, some of us are willing to pay our fair share in order to ensure that the least of us have the same access to the best health care.  Thank god that we have a seriously good health care plan or who knows what types of fights I would be having.

I probably wouldn’t have one minute to spare.  Actually, I probably would have plenty of time as my child would just be one more of those who are suffering with no care because too many selfish jackasses can only think of themselves and how they need to be ensured they don’t and won’t ever have to help anyone.  Yet, expect to be helped when they need it.

We saw a lot of this when so many people from the auto unions were complaining about being over taxed and those taxes going to give handouts.  But then the minute the auto makers decided to close plants here, the union workers were picketing and crying into the news cameras about how they needed help or they would be losing their homes and medical etc.  REALLY?  I wish someone would have taken them a tape of the town hall meetings they were screaming at and ask them why their views suddenly changed about help.  Who wants a handout now?

When are we going to understand that taxes aren’t a bad thing?  We have tea party fools yelling they don’t want to pay any taxes.  They don’t want to pay taxes yet expect the fire man to miraculously show up to their burning house.  Have the police run in to protect them when something goes wrong.  Have a nicely paved road to drive their fancy new car on.  Or better yet, help bail their company out so they don’t lose their jobs.  And have all of this without shelling out one red cent.

How ignorant have we really become?  No one is saying that taxes are the bomb and we should love it.  But, I am saying that we should be willing to pay our fair share to ensure the betterment of our community.  And by community I mean entire country of fellow citizens.  Not the sheltered little bubble some of you live in, where you don’t ever have to mingle with the insurance deprived.  Well that is until they serve you your Big Mac.

We can all take a page from Zig Ziglar that you can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.  And thus if we want to be healthy happy people, we need to ensure that we are helping others to be healthy and happy as well.


Filed under Community, Responsibility, Social Issues, Society, Thoughts

Hate Is Hate There Is No Middle Ground

Marriage is a human right

There are just a lot of things that are bothering me right now.  And not all of them have to do with racism.  I guess I will just jump right in and rant and vent all my disgust with the world or at least this country right now.  First of all how in the hell is denying gays the right to be just like everyone else NOT hate?  I am trying to figure that out.

After the states that had gay marriage referendums on the ballots actually voted the right down anti gay marriage people came out praising the people for doing the right thing and said that it wasn’t about hate.  Well when blacks were denied the right to marry white people was that NOT about hate?  Wasn’t the whole reason blacks couldn’t marry outside their race due to the fact that some if not most white people hated blacks and wished to keep them out of their blood lines?

So now it is OK to tell part of the population that “you’re totally not equal to me” so it is fine for me to deny you the right to marriage.  I think it is your god given right to believe that gay people are going to hell or that you disagree with what they do behind closed doors.  It is even your right as a clergy person to say that you will not participate in gay marriages.  But since marriage is a legal contract and has nothing to do with a church, the church or any religious beliefs have no business dictating law.

Now this is the ultimate in mixing church and state.  Yet you have all these silly ass people screaming about the founding fathers and the constitution who see no problem with this travesty which is totally ignoring all that the constitution stands for.  For one the constitution allots for separation of church and state.  And the Bill of Rights gives everyone the right to the pursuit of happiness; it also states that ALL men/women are created equal.

How is everyone equal if you are telling some that they shouldn’t be given the same rights as you and I?  This is the same bullshit that is affecting black people.  We are all equal but when companies decide not to hire blacks, too bad.  They need to look for work elsewhere.  Or my favorite, we are all equal but if a company doesn’t want to include or equally represent blacks, blacks should start their own company.

And this crap about protecting marriage is just totally insane.  How is gay marriage going to affect my heterosexual marriage?  People keep saying that they want to defend marriage by denying gays marriage.  HUH?  If you wanted to defend marriage then you would outlaw divorce.  Or better yet outlaw cheating as that seems to destroy more marriages than gays getting married somewhere you don’t even know about.

I wish someone would explain to me exactly how a gay marriage destroyed a heterosexual marriage to the point that we have to defend them from the gay ones.  This is just mind boggling.  I haven’t seen a gay marriage and don’t know any gays, or at least don’t think I do, who have gotten married.  And I bet the plethora of idiots who are voting to keep gays unequal don’t know of any gays who have or are marrying either.

The fact of the matter is, is that most of these people just don’t like the idea of homosexuality and therefore wish to punish those they feel go against their so called religious beliefs.  Well none of these people are holding fast to their religious beliefs anyhow.  Since we know that the bible says judge not less ye be judged.  So why not let god deal with the gay people.  If he felt that what they do is so against him wouldn’t he have smote them already?  Aren’t we ALL children of god?  So get a clue and stop trying to play god under some phony fallacy of a moral compass.  Hate is hate, is hate!  There is no middle ground.


Filed under Current Events, Propaganda, Racism, Social Issues, Society

Are We Americans Really This Stupid?


I think it’s high time for me to do a little bit of venting.  I have been pretty much silent on the health care debate but listening to NPR today just really made me angry.  I practically screamed all the way from our house to Grandma’s pad.

They were talking to people who watched the President speaking about health care last night and what they thought about what he said.  Well there has obviously been a resurgence of crack usage that seems to have escaped the throngs of news reporters who were so quick to let you know about its usage in the black community.

Anyway, a lady was complaining about the fact that the President wants to make it illegal for insurance companies to use pre-existing conditions to deny coverage.  She likened it to having no car insurance even though it’s mandatory then wrecking into a tree and running to Geico and yelling for them too cover you quick.

Now this lady was obviously so high on crack that she sounded like a total idiot.  We all know that there isn’t one way in hell that any insurance company would cover that situation because coverage starts the minute you sign on the dotted line, not retroactively so it doesn’t quite fit this problem.

We know for a fact that insurance companies are NOT denying coverage to people who sat around with no insurance even though they could afford it purely for no reason.  Who got cancer and then said I better go get health insurance to cover this.

Nope, what the President is talking about is this bullshit about people having bogus pre-existing conditions that somehow should preclude the insurance company from paying any further claims even though they have been collecting the person’s money religiously.

What he is talking about would be the fifty year old man who has just gotten a diagnosis for osteoarthritis and the insurance company denies his coverage because when he was ten years old he stubbed his big toe and needed a band aid from the school nurse.  This is the preposterous crap that happens day in and day out.

And to tell you the truth, this idiotic lady will be the first one to cry, holler and scream that things aren’t fair when, not if, but when this happens to her and/or her loved ones.  I have seen this game all too often as I’ve worked at two insurance companies and I’ve worked at countless hospitals.

This isn’t a game, it is real, it happens and it is practically criminal already.  Either they need to be forced into giving the person the care they PAID for or giving them a full refund on their premiums, including those paid by the person’s job.

I guess since this lady hasn’t had to be one of those affected adversely by her insurance company she can stand to sit around and make idiotic comparisons about a real life travesty.  When are people going to think outside of the doggone box?  It doesn’t take much to do some critical thinking.

I believe that our school system has failed so many.  And it seems that their parents didn’t bother to pick up the slack in teaching critical thinking skills either.  Are we American’s really this stupid?


Filed under Hot Topics, Politics, Propaganda, Racism, Rant, Responsibility, Social Issues, Society, Universal Healthcare

Privilege And Prejudice

privilege and prejudice

“the selfish people like you are the problem you think your entitled to everyone’s money just because your great great great great grand father or mother was a slave and that makes you special or entitled to something your not you and every one in this country has the same possibilities as everyone else how do i now this because i am a high school drop out that has made it in this country despite all of the one sided racist social programs grabbing at my money every day, if your so called “lower class” would put a little effort into getting out of the lower class as i and many other have done in this country they would no longer be lower class and we would not have a need for theses racial social entitlement programs that you speak so highly of WE dont need more people on more progams we need the lower class “entitlement generation to do for them selves and get off their A**es and stop dragging this counrty into the Abyss. . .”  Roger Weaver

First of all we can all agree that this is what happens when people don’t get an education.  Run on sentences, lack of punctuation and abysmal spelling.  But let’s go ahead and answer to this seriously flawed thinking individual.

This comment was taken from my blog post titled “We the sheeple.”  I called him selfish because he doesn’t think that we should even entertain health care for all.  Which is fine, but he has this me and my attitude as well as this fear that blacks are somehow begging for a health care handout.

Now how is saying we need health care for ALL me saying that black people are entitled to everyone’s money?  Or is he under some idiotic thought that ONLY blacks have no health care and that if we move to help everyone blacks will be the only folks who will benefit.

How and where does slavery have to do with health care?  See this is just more racist babble in order to somehow lessen the argument for health care as some sort of ploy by blacks to get more of these fantasy entitlement programs that really don’t and never have existed.

He wants us to believe that everyone has the same chances of success in this country.  But we all know that is the biggest fallacy around today.  This country was built on inequality and still flourishes under inequality.  He will discount the study done by Devah Pager which showed that black men with NO criminal record and a 4 year college degree got far less job offers than white men with a felony record.  But that is equality in the eyes of Roger.  And we wonder why we are still suffering under racism.

And if you read my post I have not spoken highly of any so called racial programs.  This is just more of his racism showing itself to the world.  I guess the racial programs he was speaking of were the fire department, police department and the mail system.  Thos were the only programs I spoke of and I surely didn’t know that only black people had access to those services.

This is just more evidence that even though our education system is lacking, it is even worse when you don’t go at all.  Because I think we all know or should know that the programs that I mentioned are by all measures social programs in which we all pay and we all get to benefit from them.  And how do these systems continue to work without breaking our country but somehow health care just can’t be run if it doesn’t include HMO’s and insurance giants.  Give me a break please!

And then of course this selfish racist wants to equate black with low class, lazy people; because if “we” meaning blacks would just get off our asses and get jobs we won’t have this problem.  Really?  Since the last time I checked there are millions of hard working people of ALL races who have jobs and no health care.  But let Roger tell it and only blacks are begging at the big house like country cousins for health care. This is a prime example of why our society is still in the stone ages when dealing with issues of race, social constructs and equality.

Because people like Roger would rather watch innocent families and hard working Americans die in the streets rather than pool his money with everyone else’s and provide everyone including him and his family with health care. For fear a black person might get a handout or entitlement of some sort.  His total fixation on blacks, handouts and health care leads me to believe that if there were NO blacks in this country, the US would more than likely have universal health care.


Filed under Black People, Propaganda, Racism, Slavery, Social Issues, Stupid Guy, Subjugation, Universal Healthcare

Smells Like BS Alright!


You know the one thing I would like to know?  Why in the world does my blog attract so many idiots?  I get some of the stupidest people commenting on this blog that sometimes it occurs to me that the reason racism is so rampant albeit slightly undercover is that so many people are just plain stupid.  That’s right I said it, people are stupid, at least the retarded brained racists I get commenting on here.

I have recently been so tired that I don’t even bother to reply nor post the idiocy.  But this person just really sticks in my craw.  For one this person used the one line that forces me to delete your comment faster than a Republican Senator can engage in some sordid homosexual escapade.  And that happens to be “you won’t post my comments because you are a coward” and “get some balls.”

Has it ever occurred to these people that more than “MEN” have blogs?  Sometimes I feel like saying I would borrow yours, oops I made a funny since they don’t have any either.  Anyhow, this person is commenting on one of my old posts “White Entertainment Channels.”  He starts off by asking that someone get me a pacifier because I am a whiner.  Hey, alls good with that, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

So on we go down the raggedy trail of idiocy.  Next they want to assure me and others that they don’t like to split the races.  But somehow they have no problem spewing a bunch of propagandized garbage right of the bat with “There is a reason prisons are filled with more blacks.”  Really what reason would that be?  Last time I read the DOJ site they talked about the racism which permeates the system and how it was hard if not impossible to ensure fairness.  I guess this person doesn’t read anything beyond racists are us.

But of course it doesn’t stop there it goes on to some really thought provoking statements such as “How many billionaires or millionaires are black compared to white? Think bill gates inherited his stake or worked in a garage? How about Steve Jobs?Frankly, every time I see a black host spilling his pop culture ebonix I change the channel. Jail isn’t cool and neither is slapping a “hoe”. Thank god you don’t have more channels since blacks already ruined radio.”

He wants to talk about Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, yet what happened to the Vanderbilt’s, Hiltons and all the other white people who did nothing to get the money they have?  What about the fact that white people in general are collecting on all the unpaid slave labor that helped to build this country into what we have to this day?  I guess that doesn’t count.

He sees all the “Ebonics” (yes this is how it is REALLY spelled) and “slapping a hoe” crap and wants to attribute this to blacks in general as if we are the ones in control of the broadcasting of television and radio.  Has it ever occurred to this nut that you have a bunch of white people who run these institutions

who decide that this is what they want to portray as being “black culture.”   What would be his excuse if black people ran the broadcasting and the only thing of white people that was aired was Fran Dresher and any other white trashy person you can think of?

Would he think that this WAS his culture or would he know and understand that this is just the stereotype that the black CEO’s and people in general want or need to see of white people in order to further their agenda?  I suppose that there are people are stupid enough to think that just because you see or hear a black acting like a jerk on television or radio that this is reality for ALL blacks.  And then run around and justify their ignorance by pointing out the stereotypes and not the plethora of people who are NOT like that.

But I guess we all can see that he IS one of those stupid individuals.  You see I didn’t assume ALL white people were stupid just because this nut is.  Any who here is a bit more of his stupidity at its worst.  “Want a pure black channel with black producers? Go find one. There is a reason it doesn’t succeed. Now go complain more about how your great grandfather was a slave and you feel his lashings.”

For one thing there has NEVER been a black owned, run and operated channel so how can it have not succeeded?  Just plain stupid!  Not to mention this prick would like for black people to have to go out and FIND things that pertain to us.  No we can’t be represented like white people.  Nope we need to go out and find ours, where who cares, as long as we don’t bother good white people like him with our need for equality.

Then of course lets justify our racist statements with my wife, uncle’s first cousin or best friend is a minority so what and how I say it is truly OK.  “For the record my wife is colombian and when we picked out neighborhood her reqs where “no blacks”. Racist? Not if you have facts, figures and statistics to back it up.”  So he has a racist Columbian wife and exactly what does that prove?  Besides the fact that he and his Columbian wife are racists.

And if he wants facts, figures and statistics to back up anything he is saying he will be looking a long, long time.  Since the facts, figures and statistics show that white people commit far more crime than any other race.  But, let him continue to believe that living next to black people will somehow open him and his idiot wife up to crime.  I bet that they have been the victims of crime and the perpetrators were white.  But that has no bearing on his lunacy.

In fact it wouldn’t matter if a white man put a gun to his head right outside his house in his lily white neighborhood, save for his racist Columbian wife, and took all his money.  He would still say he was safer in his white neighborhood.  The only time I have really suffered from crime has been while living in an all white neighborhood in a vast majority white city.

But, he wants me to believe that I am better off with those criminals than I would be with the minority criminals.  I hate to ruin anyone’s day, but criminals are everywhere in every color, race, religion or creed.  And I am sure I can find a ton of people who believe that by just being Columbian makes you a criminal.

Of course he now has a plethora of minority, namely black, friends.  “I have a lot of friends who (since you like segragating) are black. Fine upstanding ones. The ones who are trash are just like anyone else, even white trash. Get some balls and make your

mark in the world.”  And I guess he feels they are special because they are what he refers to as “fine upstanding ones,” as if this is somehow outside of the norm.  You see my friend this is the epitome of racism, stereotypes and bigotry.  And you try and call someone else a racist.  Isn’t that the jackass calling the titmouse stupid?

So you hit us with all of your racism then have the nerve to try and justify it with your racist wife, a bunch of stereotypes that are backed with no facts whatsoever and then have the nerve to throw your obviously stupid black friends in our faces.  Yes they are stupid to befriend a bigot like you.  And hopefully they and others will learn a serious lesson from reading the idiocy that you try and put out here as if you have some awesome insight into the race debate that no one else has ever thought of.

Well let me give you a slap of reality.  You are NOT saying anything new, the things you do say are racist and your bigoted behavior is what is causing the racial strife that we have in this world.  So why don’t you and your racist wife get a clue and stop using those so called black friends, if they exist, as some sort of brownie point in order for you to continue to lambast people with the sickness that is your racism.  One more tip, learn to type, speak and read the English language.  After all it IS the language of YOUR forefathers.


Filed under Propaganda, Racism, Social Issues, Stupid

When Is It OK To Call A Person A Racist?


I was listening to NPR the other day and the topic was “when is it OK to call someone a racist.”  The only guests they had on were Rick Moran a right wing blogger and Dawn Turner Trice a columnist from the Chicago Tribune.  Both people being white struck me right off that this was going to be quite one sided, which it was and extremely so.

Right off the guest Rick Moran talked about how he has been called a racist and how terrible it made him feel.  Of course he elaborated that the only reason people are calling others racists is to demean the argument and to basically get an upper hand of some sort in an argument.  Huh?  I thought people call others racist because they say something that is obviously racist.

But on the other hand watching this Sotomayor business play out in the media we see that people are trying to utilize the racist term for their own sordid means.  We know that this woman is far from being racist but hey if it works they will continue this weak pathetic reconfiguration of the term racist.

Then on the show Dawn Turner Trice comes on and explains that we can’t just look at one thing to see that a person is a racist.  Somehow we need to have a laundry list of things that will point to them being a racist.  In fact Dawn and Rick basically were saying that racists were people who consorted with the likes of David Duke and wore white sheets on their days off.

The problem with this is you don’t need to be a KKK or other group member to be a racist.  You don’t have to be white nor do you have to be in a position of power the way they explained it.  Because even the lowest white person on the totem pole can still use racism in a way that gives them the upper hand over blacks.  If you don’t believe it you don’t have to look any further than Susan Smith or the other white women who have pointed the finger at a nondescript black man.  The story usually ends the same.

They asked for people to call in and tell whether they had ever called someone a racist or been called a racist and what it was like.  Well I have had plenty of opportunities to call people a racist and have been called a racist more than once for writing that blacks deserve equality.  And I know that the folks that I have called out for their racism are ones who talk incessantly about black stereotypes, phony statistics, propaganda and other blatantly racist statements.

When calling someone out as a racist you shouldn’t be trying to use it as an argument ploy.  It isn’t about getting some phony upper hand, putting the conversation in your favor or trying to make people feel bad.  I think it is as simple as pointing out the truth.  And if it makes a person feel bad, hey, the truth hurts, right.   If it walks like a racist and talks like a racist then ten times out of ten it IS a racist.  And having a conversation about when should people call a person a racist is idiotic.  You call it when you see it!


Filed under Racism, Social Issues, Society, Thoughts