Category Archives: American society

Why Blacks Support The Trayvon Martin Case?

What is it about the Trayvon Martin case that a lot of people just don’t get?  I was reading a news story about an old white man who was beaten by a group of 6 black boys after saying to them…Remember Trayvon Martin.  And the 6 black youths were arrested and are now in jail awaiting trial.

But, yet people continuously want to point out Al Sharpton’s involvement with the Tawana Brawley fiasco or the Duke LaCrosse case.  As if these two incidents are the quintessential equivalents of the Trayvon Martin case.  Or somehow because a black person made false claims in these two cases, the case against Zimmerman is either false or somehow irrelevant.

And people are also making other comments about the 6 black youths vs. white man such as “if this were the other way around, it would be seen as a hate crime”  or “Were is the FBI? Jesse? Sharpton? and every one else? Rally to take place at the Toledo Police station Monday april 9th at noon to demand justice in this case please be there. Please email me at if you plan to attend!”

OK.  Who reading this is wondering to themselves at this very moment “what lack of justice are they speaking of that needs to be had in this case?”  What exactly is it that is causing a problem for Mike shown above who is looking to go to a rally for justice in a case?  It can’t be the fact that the alleged perpetrators are in jail, it can’t be that the wheels of justice are turning and quite quickly I might add.  So is the only thing that would spell justice for Mike, would be for black people to rally around this white man and denounce the actions of the 6 black youths?  Something he obviously has yet to do for Trayvon.

OK, Mike, for what it is worth…I think that it was horrible for those black kids to beat up this white man for whatever reasons they have.  I hope that when all the evidence is revealed that it doesn’t show that they felt threatened when the man said to them to remember Trayvon Martin.  Which he claimed was his way to, as he said; to show them we are all on the same side.

Because, unfortunately, if some white man said that to me, I would be fearful he was planning to make ME the next Trayvon Martin.  And I would interpret him to mean DEAD.  And thus might feel the need to protect myself from this could/would be Zimmerman knockoff.  So, I guess that could be an excuse for them.  Maybe, but we see there is no lack of excuses for Zimmerman as well.

I guess he (Mike) wants to see hate crime charges brought.  That is fine “if” that is what he wants.  But, at least he has solace in seeing the wheels of justice moving, the alleged perpetrators in jail and an actual investigation being done.  And all this being done WITHOUT the victim’s family going to extreme measures of rallying a public outrage to get the same justice.  Somehow this white victim just has the luxury of this justice automatically.

I would love for Mike there to show me the one case where a white person be it man, woman or child who was killed by a black man and that black man was allowed to go home WITH the murder weapon the same night as the killing, and no further questions asked by the police of that case.  And the case closed after 7 hours of investigation that did NOT include any forensic, DNA, witness statements nor any other form of evidence outside of the perpetrators lone statement?  I would LOVE for someone to dig that case up.

For anyone who is confused as to WHY black people are on board this case, it is because the crime was just set aside and no one wanted to look into it any further.  This man whether white or Hispanic or as he classified himself white Hispanic, man killed an innocent unarmed person without any investigation to corroborate his story was allowed to go free.  And the police had attempted to force the parents into accepting that the man killed their unarmed son in self-defense without a shred of evidence to back that statement up.

I don’t think that anyone would sit idly by and allow that to go unchallenged if that were their child or if this was some white kid walking in a predominantly black area and the black man were the alleged perpetrator.  That is why this is so raw for the black community.  This is NOT the first case of an unarmed black person shot dead at the hands of a person who did not get arrested, charged or eventually ruled innocent of any wrong doing.

And it is frankly unbelievable to me that anyone even needs to spell this out to them.  I can’t believe that it is so hard to fathom why black people are calling for justice.  Why is it so hard for some to identify with an obvious injustice no matter the race of the people?  If the people heard this travesty without hearing the race of the people would they have a hard time understanding the outrage then?

Is this a case of willful ignorance in order to justify a group mentality that has always deemed the black man a threat no matter what situation we see them in?  We have to keep black people under control no matter what the cost, situation or outcome of that situation.  A lot of white people thought Rodney King was in control even though he was surrounded by 7 police officers who were beating him with batons as he lie on the ground.  And a jury still believed that he could have stopped them at any moment.

A woman named Tarika Wilson was shot to death THROUGH her one year old baby and the cops who did it were deemed to have acted appropriated because of course this black woman holding a baby was still a threat to the police even though again unarmed.  How many times do we need to see this very crime perpetrated upon members of the black community while those from the predominant white community make statements that it was understandable based on the so called fact that the white/non-black person pulling the trigger was in fear of an unarmed black who supposedly had all the control.

We allow the dominant predominantly white community to cry that blacks are so scary it is understandable that they pull the trigger when facing a black person in any type situation even if the story sound as outlandish as Zimmerman’s tall tales.  When does the opposite occur in that blacks become so fearful of white people that we jump the gun in defense of ourselves against them?

Would this new reversal of fear be acceptable and we can then justify doing nothing at all or hearing about nothing being done and have so many members of society agree that it was justifiable to do nothing.  Would we ever then see the members of predominantly white society see a case where Zimmerman is black and Trayvon is white and then tell the outraged people to just have a look at whatever case is out there at the moment which shows a white person killing or harming a black person and ask them why they aren’t outraged over that as well; even when the cases are ridiculously different.

It won’t happen because somehow we are again under a group mentality that white people are NOT a monolith.  If one commits a crime, doesn’t mean I must fear them ALL.  Yet, blacks do not, and have never gotten that same consideration.  And in fact we deem blacks as negative actors even when the perpetrators are white.  We have so many Susan Smith’s, Bonnie Sweeten’s, Ashley Todd’s, Bethany Storro’s, Michael Daragjati’s, Mary Turcotte’s, Charles Stuart’s and Brian Wells’ out there to feed this very stereotype for the masses like crack addicts scurrying for the last rock of crack.

How do we stop this?  How do we back away from the precipice that we see ourselves on at this very moment?  We all need to take a step back and understand that it is beyond time to start seeing things through the eyes of our black citizens as we already do those of our predominantly white majority.

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Filed under African American, American society, Black community, Black Culture, Black Family, Black People, Criminals, Hot Topics, Justice, Justifiable homicide, Lynching, Minorities, Racism, Social Issues

Mom Loses Kid for Obesity

I have to argue a point with what I am sure is a well-meaning columnist who believes in the sanctity of family and thinks that more often than not children should be with their parents.  I do as well…up to a point.  What is this all about you wonder?  Well, an article I read on CNN by Ruben Navarrette Jr. called “Taking Obese Child from Mom is Wrong.”

Is it really?  Is it really wrong to say that to a mother whose child is morbidly obese, weighing more than 200 pounds at 8 years old?  Well, according to Ruben it is, because he feels that the child protective agency (CPS) overstepped their bounds.  They should have done some other form of intervention besides placing the kid in foster care.

But, Ruben and all who may be reading, there is a problem with what that line of thought.  He admitted in his article that the state gave this “mom” a full year to get her ass in gear to start feeding her kid with some sense.  They gave her the tools such as pediatric input on what and how to feed her child appropriately and instead of following the guidelines SHE MADE THE CHOICE to continue his 4,000 calorie a day junky, eat what you damn well please, garbage can lifestyle.

How the hell is this not abuse?  It tells me that she didn’t care enough for the life of her child when the doctors and everyone else informed her of the life threatening issues that were imminent if she failed to help him.  And she did just that, FAILED to help him by choosing to continue allowing him this garbage in system she created.

No one would have a problem if this mom were consistently feeding her kid a meager sustenance of 400 calories a day and doctors called CPS and alerted them that a kid was being starved and that health concerns were imminent.  But CPS was called when in this case when the “mom” took her son to the emergency room with trouble breathing.  That should have told the dingbat that he had some serious issues coming down the road.  Wouldn’t Ruben and everyone else say that the mom was neglectful for not allowing her child to eat healthy?

So, why is it okay for this fool to abuse food just as the starvation mom abuses food, to harm her child?  Whether you starve them or stuff them, you are doing something with food that has dire medical consequences for the child, all of which are bad with some being particularly life threatening.  We are not talking about a case of a couple snack cakes here and there or a cookie before dinner.  We are all guilty of that or something similar.  Hell, we are talking about a lady who allowed her kid to eat 4,000 calories of food in a day.

Does anyone know what it takes to eat 4,000 calories a day?  Most athletes don’t eat that much, save for the swimmer Michael Phelps.  And look how he exercises.  She was negligent just as much as the starvation mom.  She needed her kid taken so that he may have a chance at health.  And she still has a chance to get herself together enough to learn the proper way to feed children, herself and her family.

Let’s stop looking the other way on things like this.  He would be up in arms if the story wasn’t about the boy being taken for obesity, but being the youngest kid to die of a heart attack due to obesity.  No one would say, it was no one’s fault that an 8 year old died due to his cholesterol filled arteries.  We all would be beside ourselves with disgust as we all should be now.  And allowing anyone to blame it on ignorance is just plain ignorant.  There comes a point in time when all of us know that eating ten big macs a week just isn’t a good thing.  Consuming two boxes of cereal every morning is ridiculous.

So Ruben’s attempt at sympathy for a stupid mother isn’t going to fly in my book.  Just as sympathy for a stupid mother who didn’t realize that reusing dirty diapers was a bio-hazard that would cause flaming diaper rash, or the stupid mother who didn’t think that playing video games instead of feeding her kids was a big problem, would be unthinkable.  So should sympathy for this unfit, unhealthy, unthinkably dumb mother.

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Filed under American society, child abuse, child neglect, Children, Custody, Family values, Foster Care, Hot Topics

Trickle Down Knowledge

I just have to speak up on this atrocity that is being thrust upon me by these people who are running for the top slot on the Republican ticket.  Can anyone anywhere tell me why I or any other minority would vote for any of these, these “people”?  And I use the term people very lightly, as the old black sentinel would just call them idiots and be done with it.  But, I want to save that for later.  Not just pointing out that they are all raging mouth foaming idiots right away.  I also really want to try and understand what they have to offer.

I watched the debate like any open minded voter who wishes to ensure that there isn’t something better than the current Loser in chief.  I am interested in alternatives, but damn.  These people don’t give you anything to work with.  I wanted to pull my hair out as it felt like my ears were bleeding listening to this nonsensical drivel that seems to spurt from their mouths like the fountain out in front of the Bellagio in Vegas, but, not at all as pleasing and definitely nowhere near as entertaining.

It’s as if these people fell out of Palin’s ass or something.  She is stupid and they are flaming stupid.  So, now that you know how I feel about the candidates, let’s begin to break down the talking points for you and how these are why I can’t vote for any of them, thus FORCING me to say Obama will more than likely get my vote.  No matter how much that last statement gets my goat it just has to be that way.

From Ponzi schemes, two dollar gasoline, no mandates and everything in between is what was discussed in this debate.  Where do these people come from, is what I want to know.  And not in the literal sense as I know they hail from different states but, where do they come up with these ideas and do they honestly believe them.  I just can’t fathom that Michelle Bachmann believes she can somehow without government “mandated” pricing bring gas down under two dollars a gallon.  Give me a break already.  Is this a chicken in every pot statement or what?

Anyhow, Michelle Bachmann says she can get gas prices down below two dollars a gallon.  Ok, I’ll bite.  Anyone with simple knowledge of this so called free market understands that is a joke.  She thinks that drilling here at home will somehow reduce the gas prices here at home.  Oooookaaaay, right.  I guess she doesn’t understand that the open markets dictate the price.  Or maybe she is saying she is going to mandate or dictate prices for gas at home.  Wait everyone on the stage was against mandates.

Ok, so we should all understand by now that you can’t as president just say gas should be… and it magically happens.  This isn’t a Lucky Charms commercial here.  Gas prices are dictated by the open market like corn, wheat and everything else.  Even if you found oil in your backyard, it goes on the open market and as consumption rises so do prices.  India and China are coming on strong for that oil.  So, thus prices rise.  And even if we somehow flood the market as Canada plans to do with our new pumped oil, OPEC still has a hand in setting the price.  And unless Bachmann plans to overtake OPEC, she aint’ dictating any prices to them.  And any oil she drills out of the Everglades ain’t going straight to any gas pumps in the U.S.  So, let’s call that one bullshit and move along.

Everyone hates a mandate and plans to throw out Obamacare asap.  For Romney this is just trash talk.  He is basically saying, it’s good for my people in Massachusetts but not for others.  He even said that Obamacare was trying to cover 100% of the people where he only covered 80%.  So, some people have to fall through the cracks to make it Ok?  Anyhow, Obamacare didn’t go far enough; let’s just throw that out there.  So, we have all these people saying that the government shouldn’t force people to buy insurance.  Yet, it was OK, for the government to tell us we HAD to buy car insurance and homeowners insurance.  Give me a break.

Why is any of that OK, just not health insurance?  And don’t tell me it is state instead of Federal, as being forced to do something, doesn’t make one iota of difference how you are forced or by whom.  It is making me spend money anyway and probably a good thing as well.  As if I hit someone’s car, I am sure glad I have insurance.  Just the way I would be glad to have insurance if I have a broken leg.  But, these idiots won’t or can’t see any of this or maybe they just pretend not to.

Everyone on the stage is hell bent on trickle-down economics.  We see that crap never worked.  It didn’t work under Reagan; it didn’t work under George Sr. and sure as hell didn’t work under G.W.  So, exactly why is it that these fools are advocating doing exactly what we did to get where we are now?  Can anyone say insanity?  Just like Einstein said, Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  But isn’t that what conservatism is?  Conservatism is the preservation of traditions.  Progressive is change.

Change doesn’t happen all at once nor does it happen without any problems.  I am not saying that Obama brought about the changes we need nor did he do it without problems.  He is inept to me but that is another story.  We don’t need to go back to the traditions of the conservative party.  They have nothing new to show us.  It’s the same old, I tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas, again.  This is a shame.  The more I watch these people the more I understand that some people don’t want anything to ever change.  Let’s stagnate like standing water in a bucket.  Get all full of muck, stink and filth.

Let’s flow or go with the flow and change.  Just because we have an idiot in office doesn’t mean we can’t help him to fix what is broken, not go back to the old broken because the new item isn’t quite working right.  That doesn’t make sense.  My new car has a funny smell, so let’s get into the old car with the busted engine.  Not smart.  The conservatives/tea party whoever these people fancy themselves are obstructionists sitting around saying let’s ensure no one can do anything different, and then point out how nothing is working.  Really smart strategy, NOT.  So again, why would I vote for any of these people?


Filed under African American, American society, Barack Obama, Big Business, Current Events, Governor Mitt Romney, Presidential debates

Why Give Roman Polanski A Pass?

free polanski

What in the hell are people thinking?  If Michael Vick were to have fled the country after killing those dogs would we have a flood of people protesting against his extradition in order to face the music?  Of course not!  I mean people are opposed to the man actually working again, let alone getting away without punishment.

Yet, Roman Polanski actually has a gaggle of people crying foul about this disgusting pedophile being extradited to face the music finally for raping a 13 year old girl.  Now I don’t know about anyone else but hasn’t this man been allowed to be on the run for far too long?  I mean he has pretty much lived his freaking life.  And just now we want to attempt to nab him.  HA!

I understand that his victim no longer wishes to see him get justice for what he did and hey those are her views.  But you know what; she isn’t the one who decides whether or not this perv gets what he deserves.  Maybe she has finally made peace in her life with what occurred and doesn’t want to drudge up the past.  But that doesn’t mean that he should pay no penalty.

Now back to this gaggle of people protesting.  Their main complaint is that Mr. Polanski is such a great director and so talented that he shouldn’t have to worry about those skeletons from his past.  And I have also heard that his mother was killed in a concentration camp.  As if any of this matters.  It didn’t matter to Texas that a man was clearly mentally disabled when they put him to death for his crimes.  So why does it matter that he has had adversities in his past.  Haven’t we all?

I don’t think it is about the statute of limitations on the crime since he did plead guilty.  By admitting guilt he was forgoing the need for a trial.  All that was left was the put the dude behind bars like any other criminal.  I see this as a serious double standard.  Maybe other rapists or pedophiles never intend to rape or “seduce” any more children either.  And maybe they are skilled at their profession, so why should they have to pay for their crimes?

I guess the hypocrisy gets me.  We cry about the fact that so many perverts do very little time after assaulting children.  Then turn around and want to make exceptions for those we see as somehow better than the run of the mill criminal.  Would he be receiving this same treatment if he were let’s say, Spike Lee?  Would that guy get a pass?

We know this guy couldn’t even get a pass from people when he put it straight to Clint Eastwood about his portrayal of WWII.  People wanted to string him up for his comments to Clint.  But who is above the law?  Who can obstruct justice without as much as a blink of an eye?  Where is the outrage?  Where is the disgust at what he did?

I guess it is just me who thinks that we should NOT look lightly upon these perverts who can and will destroy lives when given the chance.  People say that he hasn’t done this again, but how do we know for sure.  He might have left a trail of 13 year old victims around Europe who were either too afraid to tell or cowed out of it.

Maybe having equality could start with the little things such as making sure that you receive the same punishment for your crime no matter the criminals, race, creed, wealth or religion.  But we know that is just wishful thinking.   SOME of those with status will always be able to skirt justice.  Because it is people who wish they were like them, who will allow them this privilege.   If you feel that he shouldn’t have to face the music, why?


Filed under American society, child abuse, Child Rape, Criminals, Current Events, Pedophile, Propaganda, Racism, Responsibility

Whose Independence Day?


I received a comment from a fellow named Roger who wanted to chastise me on this Independence Day.  I told him that my forefathers weren’t set free on this day.  He then says – my forefathers weren’t set free on this day   black entitlement “exactly my point”.

I just have to ask, were my forefathers set free on the 4th of July, 1776?  My forefathers are African American and one set are Native American.  I don’t recall as my forefathers one of which sat in slave quarters after being stolen from his homeland and forced to work for free building a nation that decided they needed  freedom but not for the blacks they held captive.

And the other sat on a reservation after being kicked off his god given land.  And the last time I was in history class I didn’t see any Native Americans celebrating Americas freedom from Britain.  In fact I didn’t see any blacks celebrating either.  Not unless you think that serving massa a glass of cold ice tea and picking cotton in the fields for free was a celebration.

This is a prime example of white privilege at it best or worst depending on how you see it.  This Roger feels that just because I am American I have to be in awe of the same holidays as everyone else whether or not it was intended for me or not.  I guess to him I have to celebrate HIS forefathers’ freedom. While he and people like him don’t know the date of and could care less when and if my forefathers’ became free.

He wants to claim that this is somehow black entitlement to say that my forefathers’ were not freed on this day in history.   This statement is extremely idiotic at best.  How is stating a FACT feeling entitled?  Maybe the one who feels entitled is Roger.  Isn’t he feeling entitled to expect that I celebrate a holiday that doesn’t have one iota of anything to do with me or mine?  Isn’t it entitlement that makes him believe that I don’t have any choice BUT to allow him and other white people dictate to me what holiday I will and won’t acknowledge?

No Roger MY forefathers’ Both African American nor the Native American were free to neither life, liberty nor the pursuit of happiness.  But now I am supposed to run around like this holiday was inclusive for ALL Americans.  You can talk of the progress or whatever, that does not negate the fact that this holiday is a commemoration of a day that WHITE people in this country were freed.  Everyone else could only dream.  I guess you can forget that but I can’t; and simply put I WON’T.


Filed under African American, American society, Black community, Propaganda, Racism

Focusing On The Symptoms

Police Shot

I was reading the tag surfer when I came across a post talking about how racist the Obama’s were and what they thought about Lovelle Mixon. In case the name isn’t familiar, he is the man who shot four police officers in Oakland recently. Now I could care less what these people think about Obama and his wife. If they feel he or they are racist, oh well. The problem I have is that these people are so gung ho on talking about how terrible this incident is.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t advocate killing cops. In fact I don’t advocate killing anyone no matter what they have done. My problem is that these people could care less that Oscar Grant was just gunned down by police officers in Oakland. They even had the nerve to say that the incident wasn’t race related as if white men all over America are being gunned down by the cops without committing any crimes whatsoever.

Has it crossed anyone’s mind that maybe Lovelle Mixon saw four cops coming towards him and freaked, flashed back or just put two and two together and decided to get them before they got him? Hey you never know! Anyhow, my problem is that when a cop gets shot and god forbid a black man does the shooting; everyone gets their panties all in a bunch. Now it is a terrible thing when a person gets gunned down in the line of duty.

But one problem that I have is that a lot of the time police acts like some sort of rouge gang themselves. I am not saying that ALL cops are dirty, but enough black men get shot walking home from grocery stores or out on their pre-wedding night than ought to. Now I am sure that accidents such as this happen. But like I said it seems to happen to black men way more often than any other. And personally I am surprised that this type of thing hasn’t happened sooner.

I am NOT advocating people killing cops due to perceived or real incidences of police abuse. I have to keep reiterating these things because I will get a slew of comments where I am accused of being for cop killing or some other stupid thing. Now my point is that when you continue to abuse someone they will eventually be conditioned to act first. It is just like beating a dog; eventually that dog will see a hand and bite it. Same goes for the black and white community. We have been abused so much that no matter what the incidence blacks more than likely will see it as racism. We have been conditioned.

And now that this conditioning is coming around to bite the cops in the ass, people want to perpetrate this surprised I can’t believe you would think that way act. When are we all going to learn that you get out of something what you put into it. Cops constantly beating and killing young black men will only teach those young black men to bite when they see cops, especially when they are in numbers. I know that I am totally afraid that a gang of cops will harm one of my male family members. I won’t lie, I teach my son that he needs to be aware of groups of cops, and they can’t really be trusted. And that is a shame.

I should be teaching my kids that the cops are our friends. But they have showed me that this isn’t the case. I have had several uncles, cousins and even two aunts beat up by the cops. And in all but one case my relative had done NOTHING to bring that upon themselves. When the cops slapped and put my aunt in a headlock I was shocked and hurt. They never apologized and had the nerve to say that blacks all look alike and that is why these things happened. It showed me that being black and innocent meant nothing to those thugs. At that moment I came to understand that officer friendly we met in school didn’t really exist or at least never seemed to show up in the black neighborhoods.

The only thing I can say about Obama is that he agreed to take responsibility for the economy and the mess made by big businesses shabby dealings. But will he agree to take responsibility for allowing these cops to infect these young men with the disease of hate and fear? Will he champion for a cure or will we continue to react on a case by case basis as if the symptoms are not related to the disease. Unfortunately I doubt that he will take any stand on anything that infects the black community yet will continue to focus on the symptoms and not the disease.


Filed under African American, American society, Barack Obama, Black community, contagious shooting, Cops, Racism

The Definition Of Insanity In America


As I listen to these people who constantly say that racism is pretty much dead or my favorite if we stop looking at or pointing out racism it would go away, I was thinking about the fact that we haven’t learned a thing from the past. Einstein once “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

How I see it is that when you are attempting to move forward being a country made up of multiple groups and everyone isn’t starting off with equality or at the same starting point, it fails. Time and time again we have failed due to this simple fact. We are trying to build a nation of equality on top of a foundation of disparity and inequality.

This country freed the slaves and waived them off the plantations only to employ them back as sharecroppers who were barely being paid. Blacks started their own cities trying to build the same type of lives that their white neighbors had. That was torn down and burned to the ground by those white neighbors. For little more than what I can only guess is jealousy that those black could actually do that, showing they were NOT inferior.

Blacks had to deal with Jim Crow and separate but (un) equal. All these things were introduced to keep blacks from getting ahead. So we passed civil rights laws and then came the more subtle forms of racism to keep the disparity going. Redlining, I don’t see race while hiring but my business just so happens to employ all white employees.

Blacks being out of work at more than twice that of their white neighbors. And the fact that a recent study shows a black college grad gets less call backs for employment than a high school only, felony having white person.

And somehow we wish to overlook all these disparities in favor of some fantasy filled dream that everyone has equal opportunity to make whatever they want out of life. Well Barack Obama became president of the United States doesn’t that show that we have finally made it.

NO! Barack Obama made it. Is he indicative of the black experience? Does one black person rising to the top mean that ALL black people have or are capable of rising to the top? Not any more than a white person has of reaching the same monetary status of Bill Gates.

Our foundation is uneven and we all know what happens to a building resting on top of a weak and uneven foundation. It falls, it crumbles, and it can not stand or withstand the slightest tremor before calamity strikes. How can we ever move forward and make a better world for everyone until we ensure that everyone has an equal, level place in the foundation.

So until we get our foundation built correctly we will continuously be dealing with disunity of all the races. We will be taking this anger, hatred, prejudice, systemic racism, fear, inequality and all the other feelings we have regarding race right on into the future.


Filed under African American, American society, Barack Obama, Minorities, Racism

Sarah Palin 2012?


It is funny that no matter how pathetic Sarah Palin is or was people are still out there talking about how great she is and how she is classy, sassy, you name it. That somehow she energized the base and pulled Republicans together like no one else could have during the campaign.

Now people are going so far as to say that she will be a shoe in to run in 2012. And that the Democratic Party is to blamed for all the horrible new information that is spilling onto the media about the extent of her stupidity.

Fortunately the Dems don’t have to spread supposed lies about Sarahcuda. The Republicans are the ones who are shedding light on her. And from the extent of her stupidity during the campaign I highly doubt that these snippets of information are false.

The fact that she couldn’t even name one Supreme court decision, one freaking magazine she reads or that she actually believes that seeing a country gives you foreign policy experience lends a bit of credibility to the thought of her not knowing that Africa is a continent.

Her energizing the base is true.  But like I said about blacks and the Dems, they could have added a Morlock to the ticket and that would have energized the base.  They just needed anything to take the attention off of John McCain.  He just was not carrying the ticket like they thought he would.

The thought of Sarah Palin running for president in 2012 is not scary it is hilarious. She will still have to go through the primaries and trust me whoever she is running against will not be praising her like they did during this presidential campaign. She was not vetted by McCain but trust me before she gets the Republican nomination in 2012 those she is running against will run her through the ringer.

I do find it funny that people are swearing that the Democrats are so scared of her and hate her. I find this funny because if it weren’t for Sarah Palin the race might have been a little bit closer, not much but some. She ran off the Independents, Reagan Democrats and a lot of Republicans. She is not about uniting or building bridges, even those to nowhere, between people. She is about ripping the country apart. These people are patriotic, those people aren’t.

Don’t we deserve better from the Republican Party? Don’t we deserve to have them put forth a candidate who will be willing and able to govern us all without having to have this blind loyalty? We see what happens when you play the “your either with us or against us” game. We get a total lack of help from the world and end up going rogue, which is one thing Sarah knows a little something about.

I firmly believe that she is not hated by everyone who doesn’t agree with her. I think that she became the poster girl for the intolerance and hate that the country voted overwhelmingly to get away from. We need to focus on the future and not continue to try and return this country to the past where Sarah seems to live in ignorant bliss.

We don’t need women who wink their way to power. We need women who use the brain which they filled with education to get ahead like Hillary Clinton and others. Hopefully Alaska will do its civic duty and rid us all of this backwards thinking partisan well before 2012.


Filed under American society, Thoughts

Thanks But No Thanks McCain/Palin


Well it is finally over and the majority of America chose brains over lunacy. We finally said enough is enough of the failed policies and gave a “real” mandate for this country to be given the makeover that it so sorely needs. And for just a split second I felt seriously sorry for McCain. I started thinking back on the disgraceful race that he waged and all those sorry feelings were quickly replaced by feelings of hope for us ALL.

In the words of Brotherpeacemaker McCain just got Baracked. McCain made some serious errors in his campaign and that to me was the reason he fell with a resounding thud. Keeping Bush’s economic plans was stupid. Picking Palin was to me, the biggest of his mistakes. She brought divisiveness, racism, classism and all sorts of negativity to the campaign as a whole. He made a lot of erratic decisions relating to the economy which was the big issue of the day. By screwing up the hot issue he totally showed his ignorance of the situation.

Palin no doubt believes that she will be in prime condition to wage her war of the crazies again in 2012. I am confident that her ignorance coupled with her divisiveness will keep her thousands of miles away from the White house. But ultimately I agree with McCain the loss was his. He is the one who brought her on the ticket practically un-vetted. He is the one who allowed his campaign to go completely negative and he is also the one who did not have a good grasp on the issues at hand. These are the reasons why Barack was able to flip seven red states.

It also looks as if the House and Senate will not only remain blue they are getting bluer. The people have spoken and they have spoken loudly. The majority made a choice that the issues were much more important than his racial affiliation. They decided that we need to have the smartest and brightest. They understood that it isn’t elitist to do well in school. It isn’t un-American to live in a big city. It isn’t socialism to repeal the Bush tax cuts for the richest Americans. A Muslim name doesn’t make you a terrorist. Acorn didn’t destroy the fabric of Democracy. And we are confident that dirty, negative campaigning does not win an election, anymore.

So congratulations President elect Barack Obama. We the people have chosen with a wide enough margin that there is no doubt. We said no to Joe the Plumber and any other names followed by occupations. We said no to drill baby drill. We said no to palling around with terrorism. We said no to guilt by association. We said no to more war. We said no to racism. And above all we said thanks but no thanks to the McCain/Palin political hate machine. Hopefully McCain will be able to recapture that integrity and “real” maverick spirit he lost in this election.


Filed under African American, American society, Black community, Minorities, Racism

McCain Goes From Country First To Gutter First

Poor McCain and Palin are so desperate that they are now stooping to bringing up Bill Ayers who they claim is a terrorist. He is a terrorist who has not served a day in jail for any actions and is now a professor and NOT in jail. Maybe he is that terrorist that they claim he is, I am not here to address that one way or another. I am not going to get into the actions this man did while Obama was about eight years old.

They say this goes to judgment. Well I do want to talk about judgment. Let’s talk about the Keating five. Isn’t that a show of judgment or should we NOT look into the past, or at least not into the past of John McCain. He may not have been convicted but he was definitely reprimanded for showing poor judgment.

Not only did it show poor judgment but his direct words were “I have done this kind of thing many, many times,” and said the Lincoln case was like “helping the little lady who didn’t get her Social Security.” He admits he has done this many, many times, doesn’t this go to continued bad judgment.

So McCain has evidence that Ayers gave Obama a whopping two hundred dollars for his earlier campaign. Does this overshadow the fact that McCain got not only one hundred twelve thousand dollars in contributions? In addition according to The Arizona Republic and The New York Times, McCain’s wife Cindy McCain and her father Jim Hensley had invested $359,100 in a Keating shopping center in April 1986, a year before McCain met with the regulators.

McCain, his family, and their baby-sitter had made nine trips at Keating’s expense, sometimes aboard Keating’s jet. Three of the trips were made during vacations to Keating’s opulent Bahamas retreat at Cat Cay. McCain did not pay Keating (in the amount of $13,433) for some of the trips until years after they were taken, when he learned that Keating was in trouble over Lincoln.

Sure McCain washed his hands of Keating AFTER the criminal investigation started. But if I am involved in a burglary all the way until there is a criminal investigation does this somehow negate my actions in the crime which occurred? Of course not, but for McCain it seems it did. Not only this McCain and Keating were personal friends after first meeting in 1981, and McCain was also the closest socially to Keating of the five senators. And we are supposed to fault Barack for something that some dude did when Barack was eight, RIGHT I GET IT.

How about someone telling me if Barack sitting on a board with Ayers ever injured anyone in anyway? How much did Obama knowing Ayers hurt the American people? Not what Ayers did long before he met Obama, but what harm did the two of them knowing each other cause the American people? Well McCain being pals with Keating more than 21,000 majority elderly investors lost their life savings to the tune of about $285 million. Not to mention that this relationship caused damage to the taxpayers of America 2 billion dollars.

This scandal was just a part of the U.S. Savings and Loan crisis of the 1980s and early 1990s was the failure of 747 Savings & Loans in the United States. The ultimate cost of the crisis is estimated to have totaled around $160.1 billion, about $124.6 billion of which was directly paid for by the U.S. taxpayer. John McCain was right in the middle of it in the 80’s and 90’s, so should we be surprised that his bad judgment of being the “deregulator” as he has referred to himself, has put him right in the middle of this debacle right now?

The things that people do when they are desperate liars can be seen as despicable but this goes far beyond that. It has implications that could sink McCain and Palin as they start to ride that fine line of US vs. them when referring to their view of America vs. Obama’s. It might even begin to look awful racial.

But like I said when you are desperate and losing you will pull out any card you feel will help revive your failing campaign. Whether that be “the race card” or the “Obama is the terrorist card,” they are all too eager in hoping that either will push you over the top. Except what you better hope is that this line of attack doesn’t push you and your campaign over the line as well as making you look like a bigger fool than you already are.

Sarah Palin being the silly ignorant un-Vice Presidential person that she is wants to play this childlike game of one being guilty by association I will be forced to do more posts on John McCain and herself about their shady associations.  Maybe the next post will be on the anti semitic and unashamedly racist organization for which John McCain served on its board called the U.S. Council For Freedom.


Filed under American society, Racism