Category Archives: Black People

Why Blacks Support The Trayvon Martin Case?

What is it about the Trayvon Martin case that a lot of people just don’t get?  I was reading a news story about an old white man who was beaten by a group of 6 black boys after saying to them…Remember Trayvon Martin.  And the 6 black youths were arrested and are now in jail awaiting trial.

But, yet people continuously want to point out Al Sharpton’s involvement with the Tawana Brawley fiasco or the Duke LaCrosse case.  As if these two incidents are the quintessential equivalents of the Trayvon Martin case.  Or somehow because a black person made false claims in these two cases, the case against Zimmerman is either false or somehow irrelevant.

And people are also making other comments about the 6 black youths vs. white man such as “if this were the other way around, it would be seen as a hate crime”  or “Were is the FBI? Jesse? Sharpton? and every one else? Rally to take place at the Toledo Police station Monday april 9th at noon to demand justice in this case please be there. Please email me at if you plan to attend!”

OK.  Who reading this is wondering to themselves at this very moment “what lack of justice are they speaking of that needs to be had in this case?”  What exactly is it that is causing a problem for Mike shown above who is looking to go to a rally for justice in a case?  It can’t be the fact that the alleged perpetrators are in jail, it can’t be that the wheels of justice are turning and quite quickly I might add.  So is the only thing that would spell justice for Mike, would be for black people to rally around this white man and denounce the actions of the 6 black youths?  Something he obviously has yet to do for Trayvon.

OK, Mike, for what it is worth…I think that it was horrible for those black kids to beat up this white man for whatever reasons they have.  I hope that when all the evidence is revealed that it doesn’t show that they felt threatened when the man said to them to remember Trayvon Martin.  Which he claimed was his way to, as he said; to show them we are all on the same side.

Because, unfortunately, if some white man said that to me, I would be fearful he was planning to make ME the next Trayvon Martin.  And I would interpret him to mean DEAD.  And thus might feel the need to protect myself from this could/would be Zimmerman knockoff.  So, I guess that could be an excuse for them.  Maybe, but we see there is no lack of excuses for Zimmerman as well.

I guess he (Mike) wants to see hate crime charges brought.  That is fine “if” that is what he wants.  But, at least he has solace in seeing the wheels of justice moving, the alleged perpetrators in jail and an actual investigation being done.  And all this being done WITHOUT the victim’s family going to extreme measures of rallying a public outrage to get the same justice.  Somehow this white victim just has the luxury of this justice automatically.

I would love for Mike there to show me the one case where a white person be it man, woman or child who was killed by a black man and that black man was allowed to go home WITH the murder weapon the same night as the killing, and no further questions asked by the police of that case.  And the case closed after 7 hours of investigation that did NOT include any forensic, DNA, witness statements nor any other form of evidence outside of the perpetrators lone statement?  I would LOVE for someone to dig that case up.

For anyone who is confused as to WHY black people are on board this case, it is because the crime was just set aside and no one wanted to look into it any further.  This man whether white or Hispanic or as he classified himself white Hispanic, man killed an innocent unarmed person without any investigation to corroborate his story was allowed to go free.  And the police had attempted to force the parents into accepting that the man killed their unarmed son in self-defense without a shred of evidence to back that statement up.

I don’t think that anyone would sit idly by and allow that to go unchallenged if that were their child or if this was some white kid walking in a predominantly black area and the black man were the alleged perpetrator.  That is why this is so raw for the black community.  This is NOT the first case of an unarmed black person shot dead at the hands of a person who did not get arrested, charged or eventually ruled innocent of any wrong doing.

And it is frankly unbelievable to me that anyone even needs to spell this out to them.  I can’t believe that it is so hard to fathom why black people are calling for justice.  Why is it so hard for some to identify with an obvious injustice no matter the race of the people?  If the people heard this travesty without hearing the race of the people would they have a hard time understanding the outrage then?

Is this a case of willful ignorance in order to justify a group mentality that has always deemed the black man a threat no matter what situation we see them in?  We have to keep black people under control no matter what the cost, situation or outcome of that situation.  A lot of white people thought Rodney King was in control even though he was surrounded by 7 police officers who were beating him with batons as he lie on the ground.  And a jury still believed that he could have stopped them at any moment.

A woman named Tarika Wilson was shot to death THROUGH her one year old baby and the cops who did it were deemed to have acted appropriated because of course this black woman holding a baby was still a threat to the police even though again unarmed.  How many times do we need to see this very crime perpetrated upon members of the black community while those from the predominant white community make statements that it was understandable based on the so called fact that the white/non-black person pulling the trigger was in fear of an unarmed black who supposedly had all the control.

We allow the dominant predominantly white community to cry that blacks are so scary it is understandable that they pull the trigger when facing a black person in any type situation even if the story sound as outlandish as Zimmerman’s tall tales.  When does the opposite occur in that blacks become so fearful of white people that we jump the gun in defense of ourselves against them?

Would this new reversal of fear be acceptable and we can then justify doing nothing at all or hearing about nothing being done and have so many members of society agree that it was justifiable to do nothing.  Would we ever then see the members of predominantly white society see a case where Zimmerman is black and Trayvon is white and then tell the outraged people to just have a look at whatever case is out there at the moment which shows a white person killing or harming a black person and ask them why they aren’t outraged over that as well; even when the cases are ridiculously different.

It won’t happen because somehow we are again under a group mentality that white people are NOT a monolith.  If one commits a crime, doesn’t mean I must fear them ALL.  Yet, blacks do not, and have never gotten that same consideration.  And in fact we deem blacks as negative actors even when the perpetrators are white.  We have so many Susan Smith’s, Bonnie Sweeten’s, Ashley Todd’s, Bethany Storro’s, Michael Daragjati’s, Mary Turcotte’s, Charles Stuart’s and Brian Wells’ out there to feed this very stereotype for the masses like crack addicts scurrying for the last rock of crack.

How do we stop this?  How do we back away from the precipice that we see ourselves on at this very moment?  We all need to take a step back and understand that it is beyond time to start seeing things through the eyes of our black citizens as we already do those of our predominantly white majority.

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Filed under African American, American society, Black community, Black Culture, Black Family, Black People, Criminals, Hot Topics, Justice, Justifiable homicide, Lynching, Minorities, Racism, Social Issues

Never Underestimate The Stupidity Of Idiots

After reading one of my comments I of course felt a post coming on.  This person I am about to respond to is just like all the others that made the very reason why I went on hiatus.  Too much stupidity in one place is a dangerous thing.  So, let’s just jump right in and get this party started, shall we?

My new friend Stephen Conklin asks: “First of all, what do black people not have in this country that white people do? You are showing your racism right there.”

Really, I am showing my racism by pointing out that there is disparity between races?  This is a real question?  Well I guess some people really are clueless.  OK Stephen I’ll bite.  How about we just list it out with reference so that you will be happy to have it backed up.  But then you can’t really complain.

  •  Wealth – The median wealth of white households is 20 times that of black households according to a Pew Research Center analysis of newly available government data from 2009. (Boy, what is it now after this recession?  Do you think it grew or shrank?)

I guess you really can’t argue with that one unless you are going to tell me that black people just don’t want wealth, so they go about trying to ensure they have none.  Or there is a real system of inequality in this country.  Hmmm?

  • Jobs – Blacks are unemployed right now at a rate of twice that of whites.  Black unemployment surged to 16.7% in August, its highest level since 1984, while the unemployment rate for whites fell slightly to 8%, the Labor Department reported.  Black unemployment has been roughly double that of whites since the government started tracking the figures in 1972

And I guess you are going to say that black people just don’t want to work.  But somehow they want to complain about unemployment for blacks.  Hmm, doesn’t make sense, because if we didn’t want to work, we would all be happy about the numbers of unemployed blacks versus whites and then ask why more aren’t unemployed.  Or can we look at the study by Devah Pager which showed that black men with NO criminal record and a 4 year college degree got far less job offers than white men with a felony record.  Stephen, how do we explain this?  Is it *GASP* disparity?  Is it something that white men have – the fallacy that they are somehow better than black men, even when they have a criminal record?  OH MY, what exactly could this study be showing us?  Who knows right?

But people such as you will deny that this has anything to do with racism, it is just a side effect of something else.  Why don’t you enlighten us as to why black unemployment is always double white unemployment?  Because if blacks have everything whites have and every opportunity whites have then we should have similar unemployment rates.  So what is the problem here?  Lazy blacks, illegal immigrants taking black jobs or maybe it is just another example of how blacks are the last hired and the first fired as most blacks in the workforce already know.

  • Home ownership – Home ownership rates for African Americans is 48% (compared to 75% for Whites) according to newly released U.S. Census data from 2009. (Boy, I wonder what those rates are since this recession. Stephen, they sure as hell didn’t get better after 2009, you think?)

Now why is this?  It can’t be that blacks just decided, “Hey, we don’t want houses or a way to build wealth for our families.”  In fact we don’t want houses or jobs.  That’s it right Stephen?  Or maybe the redlining, racist lending practices and last hired, first fired is making a showing in the housing market as well.  But of course this doesn’t mean that white people have something black people don’t have.  This just means that blacks don’t have stuff white people DO have.  LOL.

  • Education –  According to The Maynard Institute more than 25 years after Brown v. Board of Education integrated the public schools, schools remain segregated. Studies establish that segregation perpetuates racial inequality. Teachers assigned to minority schools are more likely to be inexperienced or teaching outside their fields of expertise. Schools serving minority communities receive less financing and fewer schools are constructed in minority communities. Black and brown children are disciplined more harshly and frequently for the same offenses as white children.
But of course this is because black children don’t want to learn right?  Everything showing disparity between the races proving that whites DO have things blacks don’t, can always be summed up as just a byproduct of blacks lack of desire for these things.  Not that the American system is inherently set up to create these disparities.  You see Stephen after slavery was abolished, Jim Crow reared its ugly head, then after Jim Crow we now have a supposed underground system even if highly blatant disparity that people like you pretend not to see.  Even though it is glaring in your face like the pretty lights blinking on any of the casinos littering the strip in Las Vegas.
But, please don’t let me open your eyes.  Just continue to sleep and pretend that its all equal and all black people have to do is pull themselves up by these non existent boot straps and just have what whites have.  Because we black people never contemplated doing that at all.  In fact we just never thought of just having these things.  Hey, I am going to go and tell all the blacks, “Just have exactly what whites have!”  Now, we can just do it.  Thanks Stephen, you really showed me and the rest of black America that it was in our hands the whole time and all we had to do was do it.  That college degree holding black man can now say, I’ll get that job no matter what felony wielding white man comes in for the position too.  I will just TAKE that job.  Thanks, Stephen you opened up all of our eyes!

But back to the REAL world, WHY is it that I have to consistently implore you to do a little research before coming to my blog and talking crap?  Second time you haven’t listened and again the second time you look like an idiot.  And yes, I called you a name.  It is how we label someone when they are behaving in a manner that calls for their behavior to be explained to many people.

If you feel that my calling you what you come here and showing me you must be, then by all means don’t come here.  I didn’t come to you and call you a name, you came here and acted in a fashion that warranted a name.  If it talks like a moron, writes like a moron and thinks like a moron, then the chances are overwhelming that it IS a moron.  Sorry.

Good luck next time.  But, again, do some research before bringing your tripe.  I don’t like stupidity for the sake of stupidity.  Oh, and I will answer the rest of your tripe in due time.



Filed under African American, Black community, Black Culture, Black Family, Black People, Discrimination, Diversity, Propaganda, Racism, Responsibility, Social Issues, Statistics, Stupid Guy, Subjugation

The Black Reality Principle

The Reality Principle is basically that one begins to learn the need sometimes to endure pain and to defer gratification because of the exigencies and obstacles of reality.  We hear it all the time from blacks, that this is just how things are, we don’t deserve any help and somehow if you endure this broken life, you will be rewarded in heaven.  Even though your tormentors are receiving their rewards NOW!

This post is based on a comment to my post about black people displaying the Stockholm syndrome.

A refresher of the syndrome.  Stockholm syndrome describes a situation in which a hostage begins to grow sympathetic towards their captor and they even loyal to their abductor. Occurring under physical duress, tremendous emotional behavior or other traumatic situations (such as kidnapping, hostage situations), the effects of Stockholm syndrome never goes away even when the crisis ends. The syndrome is particularly obvious in battered-spouse cases, slave and master relationship, cult victims, prisoners of war, abused children, hostage victims; and individuals who are experiencing a severe emotional, isolation and physical abuse.

So isn’t it futile to argue with one who has been raised by generations of people with Stockholm syndrome?  Wouldn’t the person you are arguing with just continue to fight to prove that the victim IS the problem?

The Black Sentinel

It’s tough to get a grip on the “reality” you present. As you admit, you have no central thesis. You’re merely espousing a sentiment which the reader is tasked with applying to life.

I am adequately familiar with Stockholm syndrome to discuss it intelligently. I can infer no purpose in your claim other than an excuse for behavior. I am more than willing to entertain another purpose, if you provide one. But my inference seems justified by your assertion black people need “help” to get over the generational trauma of being black. What form is this help to take? Who is to provide it? What is its lack preventing black people from doing?

Walter Scott Hudson


So when a person comes back from the war and says that they have PTSD, is that an excuse of behavior?  When a person has a traumatic brain injury and they have a change in personality or anger management and the doctors say it is because of the brain injury, is that an excuse for behavior?  When you have children being abused and they do some sort of crime, everyone can see that they have issues due to abuse are those issues an excuse for behavior?

See my problem with what you are saying is that ONLY when we want to look at the root cause of the problems in the black community it is an excuse of behavior.  No one claims that a woman who shoots her abusive husband is using said abuse as an excuse of behavior.  At least no one who has a brain is going to say that the abuse had no part in her behavior.  It is not an excuse, it is an explanation.  Is it so bad to admit that black people have never had our abused psyches healed?

Not one person has so far said that poor Jaycee Dugard and her children who were held captive in Phillip Garrido’s, a sick torturous pedophile, backyard, “hey, you aren’t being held captive, get on with your life, get a job and raise those kids, and you better do it right even though you were in a situation of torture, torment and lack education.”  Nope, we have all agreed that this girl AND her children are in need of special mental help.  We as a society agreed with this so much so that she has not been expected to “just move on” with her life.  She is receiving the help she needs to move on with her life in a productive manner.

But somehow, it is OK for a whole population of people to be held in the backyard of a sick torturous population of people and be told, “Hey, you aren’t being held anymore, get on with you lives.”  Not only that, we were then held back by lack of education, lack of jobs, lack of self worth, but none of that matters.  This is our collective inheritance.  And so if you feel that it is an excuse for behavior, why don’t you explain to me and all who read this exactly what has occurred that somehow healed the minds, bodies and souls of the people who were charged with teaching us life skills?

And you are asking me to provide you with a purpose, really?  And somehow you THINK I am saying that the generational trauma is from being black, really?  You may see being black as the problem or trauma, I see the TREATMENT that blacks have and do suffer in this country as the problem.  I see that the TREATMENT that blacks have suffered in this country was never countered by anything.  And if there was some sort of collective mental healing, when and where did that take place?  Or are you saying that when a person or people suffer a great trauma such as the one placed upon the black community in America, they need NO help?  That once the main form of abuse has stopped, they have no lingering affects, no residual problems that are related to such treatment?

And you want me to tell YOU what type of help this is to take and who is going to provide it.  Why don’t YOU tell ME and better yet why don’t you tell yourself?  Does it really even matter who does it, what type and how?  Why do you think that just because I feel that help was needed and IS needed that now I am the one that is charged with explaining the fix for all the problems or coming up with all the necessary steps to put a plan in place?

Are you one of those people who look at the person telling you that a building is on fire, and asks them to explain to you all the necessary steps to putting the fire out and to explain what exactly is it that the lack of fixing the burning building is or will be preventing the inhabitants from doing?  When it all seems so obvious at least to some of us, it does.

And if you can’t see what the lack of mental health prevents people from doing, there is a problem.  I shouldn’t have to write my thoughts and then fill in every detail for the detail challenged.   Because to me if a person can not see what a lack of mental health help to people who have suffered not only mental but physical abuse shows me that you either have no imagination or no compassion or possibly both.  I am not trying to offend; this is just what I see.  I can’t stand by and see people who have been handing down an abused persons system of survival and nothing much more than that and not see a people who need help.

In fact a people who actually needed help when the slavery abuse first stopped.  Shouldn’t those freed slaves have been given the mental health support and other support they needed to be able to begin living a life they know nothing about?  Instead of being given more fear, more systems of abuse, other systems of exclusion and denial?  It would seem to me that those freed slaves were in a worse position than Jaycee Dugard, yet I don’t see anyone asking why she or her children need support.

And so, if you feel that my “reality” of blacks as a group of abuse survivors’ descendants is so profoundly different, then where is your central thesis to the contrary?  Where is your comparison and contrast?  You haven’t shown anyone here anything to counter one point made, yet continue this snide commentary that seems to say nothing more than your wrong so prove to me your right.  I don’t need to prove anything to you.  And in fact if you believe I am wrong then I guess you should be proving that, right?

Either you take the route that blacks were abused and received no assistance to counter that and thus handed down this abused mentality generation after generation or you take the route that they were healed at some point in time which you can name and therefore handed down a sound system of parental and personal management and somehow generation after generation just continues to fail for no reason other than . . . you fill in the blank.


Filed under Black People, Discrimination, Propaganda, Racism, Subjugation

You Are A Racist!

You are a racist. Statistics don’t lie. 15% of the population is committing half the crime. I was watching a group of black leaders discuss issues concerning the black community. They were all crying about how racist everyone is. One guy commented that there are racist out there, but the problems still remain. He wanted to stop moaning about racism and start dooing something about the community. Some people have a victum mantality and others look for solutions. You are living with a victum mentality. Our country is majority white. If you want to be in a majority black country, move to one. If you are fine living here, do something about the problems that foster crime in your own community.


Learn to spell or use spell check then come and tell me about how it is a victim mentality that continues to keep such glaring disparity between the black and white communities. And you speak of doing something about the problems that foster crime in my community. Well in my community the criminals are white, what should I do about that? But if by “MY” community you mean the black community I would have to say that if blacks weren’t unemployed at twice the rate of whites maybe there would be less crime. But someone like you would rather not find that out, right?

And just in case you didn’t know, the white community commits more crimes than the black community. What are you doing to put a stop to it? Where are your community meetings to address this FACT? Where are the white leaders pointing fingers at the white people and asking them what they are prepared to do about the rampant crime in their communities? They are nowhere, that’s where. And the reason they are nowhere is because the focus is on blacks as if we are the only race that commits crime. Get a freaking clue.

Our country is a majority white, means what exactly?  Does it mean that blacks shouldn’t expect fair treatment under the law? Blacks should be content with the blatant racism that is rampant in our country?  Blacks should only focus on blacks and continue to let the systemic racism run amok in the race card playing white community? Or should we just let the status quo reign supreme and do nothing to fix the problem?

The problem in this country is that we want to constantly focus on the symptoms and never the disease. If someone walked into the doctor’s office with blood gushing from a wound in their arm and the only thing the doctor can focus on is that the person has a dirty bloody shirt and continues to tell the person that they need clean clothes, the problem never gets fixed. Think about that one, because this is what you are telling me to do. Only look at the symptom of racism not the racism. That might be helpful for those whites who wish to continue being racist but it does nothing to help black people. But of course that isn’t your main concern.

Your main concern is for blacks to stop crying about the treatment in this country and just put band aids on the gaping wounds that white privilege is cutting into us. Now if you want a country that is devoid of blacks, why don’t YOU and the other racists move to one? Don’t presume to tell me to move out of a country that some of my ancestors not only OWNED first but the others actually built. You don’t have the freaking right. Do you tell the white people who are unhappy with this black president that if they want a white president they should move to a country with one? I bet you don’t.

Most people like you wouldn’t have the good sense to see the hypocrisy in your statements. You sit there and tell people that they should stop moaning about racism and do something for themselves. So we decide to do something for ourselves and apply for jobs yet, the majority of businesses are owned and operated by white people. We then find ourselves being passed over for jobs such as the statistical study by Devah Pager shows. That a black man with a college degree has a call back rate on jobs less than that of a white man with a felony record. Nope that isn’t racism, right Bubba? That is just a black man who doesn’t want to work.

Well, unfortunately the statistical facts are against you on this Bubba. Remember you said that the statistics don’t lie? So while you are gabbing on about how blacks are playing the victim, I am looking at plenty of statistics to show that blacks are consistently the victims of all sorts of racism. And if we see that blacks are being victimized while trying to get jobs would that then show that blacks being unemployed at twice the rate of whites is just a symptom of racism?

So, then what of that victim mentality? Should those blacks who are surely being victimized just ignore that and move to countries where blacks can get employed? Or maybe the white’s who would rather hire a white felon instead of an educated black man should move to a country where there are no blacks.

So maybe instead of pointing your ignorant finger at the black community, you will point your finger right back at your own community. Maybe if people such as yourself worked within your own community and tried to change this system of white privilege and systemic racism, blacks wouldn’t be victims and have no victim mentality. Then maybe they wouldn’t be unemployed at twice the rate, which drives up crime, be denied housing, services and quality medical care.

But then who would be the crime scapegoat for white racists then Bubba? Oh yeah, the Hispanics, who get called out every time someone mentions the high white crime rate. So in the vain of Dr. Richard Kimble in the movie Fugitive, It wasn’t us white people it was the one armed Hispanic; right Bubba? So it sounds to me like you have a lot of work to do in order to straighten out your own community before you go chastising some other community.


Filed under African American, Black community, Black People, Propaganda, Racism, Statistics, Stupid Guy, Subjugation

A Rush To Racism


I just can’t get over how pathetic people can be.  We have people complaining that a person who is seen as extremely divisive and players don’t wish to play for him are somehow being unfair.  People are complaining because blacks don’t like to see white people in black face whether they meant it as just a joke, or whether or not it IS supposed to be an artistic endeavor in a magazine.

I was totally disgusted last night while looking at CNN when some stupid sports guy from St Louis said that by people not wanting Rush to own a team and him being discounted from the running that some how this was a real deal high tech lynching.  Umm, WTF!  Does this man even have a clue as to what he’s talking about?  Is the right wing spewing hate against Obama a high tech lynching?  I bet he would say no.  But who would be surprised.

It is NOT a lynching or racist or anything else besides people being vocal about their displeasure with a man who they don’t like his ideas.  You would think that this would be understandable to these people.  Don’t they scream that they have the right to disagree with Obama and protest him because they don’t agree with his ideas?  So how the hell is this a high tech lynching but what is being done to Obama is somehow NOT.  I’m just asking.

And now people are writing posts complaining about the pc police because others find black face offensive.  It is almost as if what is being said is that it doesn’t matter if the black face bullshit offends blacks as long as white people find it funny.  It doesn’t matter one damn bit what country it happens in, the crap is offensive.  I don’t understand how that is being politically correct.  What people need to do is educate themselves instead of allowing ignorance to reign supreme in their lives.

05_Flatbed_2 - OCTOBER

I guess what Vogue is saying is that instead of actually HAVING black models, we will create our own.  Isn’t that what was going on in the movie and music industry?  They made black people out of white people in order to NOT have to worry about actually giving blacks a job.  And sure it SOUNDS funny, but think about it.  Why NOT just hire black models, is it too much trouble or there aren’t any?

And for the idiots portraying the Jacksons, why dress in black face in order to act like the Jackson 5?  What is funny about the skit?  Dressing in black face and looking like a stupid buffoon or the actual singing and dancing?  Because if it is the latter then you don’t need black face to dance around and look stupid!  Yet, some white people, the ones who commented on this, obviously don’t see that.  They wish to compare this crap to some stupid Wayans movie called White girls.

jackson jive

For one thing there hasn’t been any precedence for blacks dressing up like white people in order to make them look foolish.  There is a LONG freaking history of blacks being the brunt or butt of the joke when whites are dressing up in black face.  There is also a long freaking history of white dominated fashion industry overlooking minority talent.  You can count the top minority models on one hand, even though the fashion industry has been around for generations.

It seems to me that we are FAR from being post racial.  In fact we seem to be moving backwards more towards blatant racism AGAIN.   So instead of looking at Rush Limbaugh talk about living in an Obama nation where white kids are beat up on busses while black kids yell “right on.”  Maybe he should have said that we are now living in a Rush nation where black ladies with their children walk out of restaurants and get the beat down by racist white men all while screaming racial epithets.

Or maybe it’s the Rush nation where black people have to go back to the early 20th century and be happy about black face.  We can look up to those “dandified darkies, or happy go lucky coons.”  We should be happy that we see a black likeness on the screen at all whether they are aimed at exploiting blacks or not.  We should just be happy go lucky.

To me it just seems like a nation where people such as Rush are allowed to prey on the stupidity of others.  Where else but in America can a junky pollute the minds of millions and still act like he has the moral high ground.  Or spew things that are racially suspect at best and still have a bunch of minorities following him.  Things are becoming worse and somehow the problem is not being racist but pointing out the racists.


Filed under Black Culture, Black People, Propaganda, Racism, Stupid

Reading Goes A Long Way!

no stupid people

Here is a comment that I just had to share with everyone else.  This is one of the reasons we as supposed black people can’t get our situation better.  We are too busy fighting each other on behalf of the majority part of our society.  This comment was posted to my post titled “Arguments as to why blacks don’t deserve respect.”

I could not finish this article because it didn’t take long to realize you are using the same old arguments that try to throw the reader off the track and thus focus on side issues that have only a passing relevance to the topic at hand.

You base your entire argument on the premise that white control everything, including blacks’ ability to create their own opportunities. So what if a black man can’t get a loan from a white banker? Why are there not more BLACK banks that will fill this void?

So what if an educated black man gets less respect in the hob market than a white criminal? Why are there not more BLACK firms doing the hiring? Whites have a right to hire those who “look like them” (That’s the SOTOMAYER PRINCIPLE, you know?).

As for the numbers on the amount of criminals in jails, I would imagine researchers only need to check the rolls at the prisons and jails and they will probably find out that the numbers don’t lie.

Black people seem to feel that the world owes us an opportunity, and that we should not only fight for a level playing field, but to make sure that we are the only ones playing.

It is my contention that the MAIN reason blacks don’t get more respect is because we just don’t EARN it.

Stephen Frazier

PUHLEASE!!! Why don’t you answer those questions for us all? Why aren’t there more black banks?  Uhm, could it be that they don’t get the funding or the recognition to become successful?

And why aren’t there more black businesses? Could the answer be tied in with why there aren’t more black banks? See you work from the same old tired argument that somehow it is black people’s fault that they can’t break into a white run society. Or are you telling me that society is NOT run by the white majority?

So what is your point?  You seem to have the whole thing figured out.  Because, if there are no black banks and black men are NOT getting as much respect as white criminals then how are there going to be more black businesses? Think about it for a little while.  And wouldn’t this be a revolving problem, each and every piece contributing to the problem of the other?

So I guess it’s not a matter of “so what” like you seem to think. It’s a matter of WHY! Why in the hell should blacks have to go to black businesses in order to be hired or respected? We don’t live in some black bubble inside the white US of A. We live in this country as full tax paying citizens like everyone else and deserve equal treatment.  By the way, I never said that blacks are OWED anything.  What I DID say was that blacks DESERVE the same chances as everyone else.  We deserve the same odds at success and failure.

But according to you and a lot of others just asking for things to be equal is begging for a handout or being owed something. If the treatment white people get is a handout then by all means I and every other minority are OWED that freaking type of handout. And just to let you know, I don’t agree with everything said by Sotomayor or anyone else at any table be they civil rights or otherwise. I DO have my own point of view thank you.

As far as whites being able to hire whoever they want, isn’t that racism if the only deciding factor for hiring is that the person is white?  Isn’t this how we got into this debacle in the first place?  White people decided that blacks were NOT equal and didn’t deserve jobs in white owned businesses?

And maybe numbers don’t lie about how many people are in jail, but the justice system as a whole DOES!  And according to a study by the DOJ, they found that the justice system was indeed wrought with inequality and racism. So I guess the numbers just might not tell the whole truth.

And my contention is that black people don’t get more respect because people such as you think that we don’t deserve it.  Somehow we need to do more than everyone else to garner what little respect we get.  At this point we have to work three times as hard and five times as fast just to be considered equal with the lowest of performers in the white community.  And you don’t see a problem with this?

We shouldn’t have to do any more to earn respect than any other race of person. And if by that, they do nothing to garner respect as in white privilege then we shouldn’t have to do one iota more than that. That is what is meant by equality. So it would behoove you to FINISH reading the post before you spout off with your LACK of knowledge and all too easy to counter NON points!


Filed under Black People, Minorities, Propaganda, Racism, Stupid, Subjugation

Privilege And Prejudice

privilege and prejudice

“the selfish people like you are the problem you think your entitled to everyone’s money just because your great great great great grand father or mother was a slave and that makes you special or entitled to something your not you and every one in this country has the same possibilities as everyone else how do i now this because i am a high school drop out that has made it in this country despite all of the one sided racist social programs grabbing at my money every day, if your so called “lower class” would put a little effort into getting out of the lower class as i and many other have done in this country they would no longer be lower class and we would not have a need for theses racial social entitlement programs that you speak so highly of WE dont need more people on more progams we need the lower class “entitlement generation to do for them selves and get off their A**es and stop dragging this counrty into the Abyss. . .”  Roger Weaver

First of all we can all agree that this is what happens when people don’t get an education.  Run on sentences, lack of punctuation and abysmal spelling.  But let’s go ahead and answer to this seriously flawed thinking individual.

This comment was taken from my blog post titled “We the sheeple.”  I called him selfish because he doesn’t think that we should even entertain health care for all.  Which is fine, but he has this me and my attitude as well as this fear that blacks are somehow begging for a health care handout.

Now how is saying we need health care for ALL me saying that black people are entitled to everyone’s money?  Or is he under some idiotic thought that ONLY blacks have no health care and that if we move to help everyone blacks will be the only folks who will benefit.

How and where does slavery have to do with health care?  See this is just more racist babble in order to somehow lessen the argument for health care as some sort of ploy by blacks to get more of these fantasy entitlement programs that really don’t and never have existed.

He wants us to believe that everyone has the same chances of success in this country.  But we all know that is the biggest fallacy around today.  This country was built on inequality and still flourishes under inequality.  He will discount the study done by Devah Pager which showed that black men with NO criminal record and a 4 year college degree got far less job offers than white men with a felony record.  But that is equality in the eyes of Roger.  And we wonder why we are still suffering under racism.

And if you read my post I have not spoken highly of any so called racial programs.  This is just more of his racism showing itself to the world.  I guess the racial programs he was speaking of were the fire department, police department and the mail system.  Thos were the only programs I spoke of and I surely didn’t know that only black people had access to those services.

This is just more evidence that even though our education system is lacking, it is even worse when you don’t go at all.  Because I think we all know or should know that the programs that I mentioned are by all measures social programs in which we all pay and we all get to benefit from them.  And how do these systems continue to work without breaking our country but somehow health care just can’t be run if it doesn’t include HMO’s and insurance giants.  Give me a break please!

And then of course this selfish racist wants to equate black with low class, lazy people; because if “we” meaning blacks would just get off our asses and get jobs we won’t have this problem.  Really?  Since the last time I checked there are millions of hard working people of ALL races who have jobs and no health care.  But let Roger tell it and only blacks are begging at the big house like country cousins for health care. This is a prime example of why our society is still in the stone ages when dealing with issues of race, social constructs and equality.

Because people like Roger would rather watch innocent families and hard working Americans die in the streets rather than pool his money with everyone else’s and provide everyone including him and his family with health care. For fear a black person might get a handout or entitlement of some sort.  His total fixation on blacks, handouts and health care leads me to believe that if there were NO blacks in this country, the US would more than likely have universal health care.


Filed under Black People, Propaganda, Racism, Slavery, Social Issues, Stupid Guy, Subjugation, Universal Healthcare

More White Female On Child Crime

Missing Girl

Yet, another incident of white female on child crime and no one is saying that the white on white or white adult on child crime rate is out of control. I wonder just how many white women need to sexually assault a child or kill children before the tidy label such as black on black crime goes into production.

We already know that people go buck wild searching for and talking about missing white children AND women. We saw that with Caylee Anderson and Natalee Holloway and of course they started doing the same thing in California with little 8 year old Sandra Cantu. She went missing March 27th and there were non stop searches and investigations. It is funny but NOT, that little 6 year old Adji Desir got searched for all of about 9 days, deciding that he was probably just hiding from the authorities.

They didn’t even issue an Amber alert stating that he probably wasn’t abducted. But, will call out the national guard for one little missing white girl. And then go on and on about the story for years. Now here we have a little girl abducted by her freaking Sunday school teacher Melissa Huckaby, killed and stuffed inside of the ladies suitcase and thrown in a lake. And someone wants to tell me about this perceived propensity for violence of black people. Give me a freaking break.


Filed under Black on Black Crime, Black People, child abuse, child death, News, Propaganda, Racism, Social Issues, Teachers, White Female, White on White Crime

Stereotype Of Negativity


I received a very interesting comment from one of my trusty regulars that got me to thinking a bit about how we reason with racism. She quoted Mark Twain: The cat, having sat upon a hot stove lid, will not sit upon a hot stove lid again. But he won’t sit upon a cold stove lid, either. “Well, if you’re a white guy and the only black person you ever met was a guy who mugged you — and you weren’t a very deep thinker — you might be suspicious of every black person you met afterward.

While this is true to some extent, I was thinking about how this manifests itself in more than just interracial ways. Since this thinking has actually permeated most communities and not just the white community. I see it as being less a problem of the lack of deep thinking and more a product of the brainwashing stereotyping propaganda that we allow to be projected upon minorities.

See I believe that we as a society already have bad views of blacks and minorities in general. So when one commits some sort of offense against a person that will prompt them to then open the flood gates of racial hatred in the form of stereotyping. I have heard people say things such as “this is why you can’t do business with blacks,” after receiving some sort of bad service or whatever at the hands of a black business person.

The problem is that these people who had this bad encounter with blacks or black business owners and are now prone to be suspicious of all blacks, while they have had even more bad dealings with white people and white owned businesses. Yet, I personally have never heard a person become more suspicious of white people in general after some horrible event.

No one crosses the street to avoid white teen boys who just might pull out a rifle, hand gun or pipe bomb and go nuts like Robert Hawkins, Dylan Klebold or Eric Harris. Nor did anyone ever say “that’s why you can’t do business with whites” after Enron, WorldCom, AIG, Bernard Madoff, Michael Milkin or any of the plethora of other swindlers and bad business people who just so happen to be white that you can name.

Why don’t these thoughts ever cross the majority of people’s minds? This is due to the fact that white people have not been under any continuous character attacks as blacks have since the day we were first seen by white people who came into Africa. Because you see that this type of behavior isn’t exclusive to U.S. These actions are happening and have been happening everywhere around the world.

The constant barrage of negativity surrounding blacks is so bad that blacks themselves have been infected by it. We are suspicious of each other and thus we are some of the biggest perpetrators of this stereotyping. Just look at Bill Cosby, John McWhorter and even Barack Obama. They have all pointed the finger at blacks and made blanket statements about our supposed shamefulness for one reason or another.

The word black has been connected with all that is negative for so long I don’t think that there is a clear way to successfully separate the two. How do you sing the redemption of a word that symbolizes everything that we see as bad? Could we ever see the name Hitler as a positive thing? I doubt it. So in a sense we have created a neat little vicious cycle that will continue to vilify a group based on nothing more than a stereotype of negativity.


Filed under Barack Obama, Black community, Black People, Criminals, Culture, Propaganda, Racism

Kids Will Be Kids Unless They’re Black

In a society where the police have said they are going to start cracking down hard on black youth who are wearing their pants too low or sagging as it’s called, it is a wonder to me why in the Baltimore sun it seems that college and university presidents would like to drop the drinking age from 21 to 18 citing that kids are drinking anyway. They claim that not only are they drinking they are binge drinking and you can’t really talk to them about this because they won’t talk since the acts are illegal.

Also, that the crimes associated with binge and underage drinking is quickly rising. These crimes are physical and sexual assaults and DUI. Not to mention cases of alcohol poisoning are rising just as fast as the crime.  And according to US Department of Health Human Services white non-Hispanic youth are the clear majority of those students with underage drinking.  At more than three times that of black youth and twice as much as Hispanic youths.

So it seems that the message we send to black kids is that if you so much as where your clothes in a manner we deem inappropriate which they say is disorderly conduct, we will crack down on you with the full force of the law and not only ticket you but arrest you if necessary.

Yet, according to William R Brody, President of Johns Hopkins, “Kids are going to drink whether it’s legal or illegal,” so we should just lower the drinking age to 18. But, let’s not enforce the laws on these innocent young white kids who are only breaking laws that have been on the books for years. Yet, they had to enact new laws to make sure that the massive crackdown on those saggy pants youth had some legality to it.

Now don’t get me wrong, I hate saggy pants as much as or probably more than the next person. But the message of hypocrisy that is being sent out is blatant and stinks to high heaven. If you are black we will crackdown on you and while we are at it we will enact laws about your pants so that we can make it even more widespread.

While instead of just enforcing the damn laws that are in place on these white youth, we want to change those laws in order to allow white youths to continue to be given every opportunity to excel even though their lack of good judgment is leading to even more laws being broken.

Of course one could say that kids will be kids but then doesn’t this also go for the black kids who are just following a fashion fad no matter how stupid and idiotic it is. I mean how many times have you heard that saggy pants lead to DUI, physical or sexual assaults? So what is the reason besides blatant racism that we would rather change the drinking laws than to actually enact them on white youths all the while screaming from the roof tops that we plan to crack down hard on black youth for a fashion faux pas?

In Flint MI the police chief says that black youth who are wearing their pants below the waist gives officers “probable cause to search saggers for other crimes, such as weapon and drug possession.” Now the cops can easily get around the 4th amendment because who can argue with having bad fashion sense not being probable cause enough to search.

Yet somehow we don’t have enough gumption to be able to burst into these college parties and start dragging those drunk ass white kids downtown for a bit of justice. And while they are at it I bet they find a whole mess of them will have saggy pants that they can then search for all sorts of who knows what. And I bet you that they would find a LOT of who knows what on those kids. But that would be too much like equal justice in the eyes of the law.

We don’t want to stigmatize and subject white youth with criminal prosecutions for the crimes that we KNOW they are committing. It’s easier to just go ahead and change any laws that they violate in order to preserve their good standing in society. We wouldn’t want white youth to actually have their futures tainted with criminal records because they were made to pay for their crimes. And we wonder why blacks are largely over represented in the prison system. I guess this is just a reminder that kids will be kids, that is unless they are black.


Filed under African American, Black community, Black Culture, Black People, Minorities, Racism, Social Issues