Are You That Desperate Rick Perry?

Governor Perry is so desperate he’s pulling a Michelle Bachman.  Now saying that a poor, poor lady with cancer told him that if someone doesn’t get rid of Obamacare that she will surely die.  Somehow Obamacare will kill her.  Now my question is exactly how will Obamacare kill her?  Did it “give” her the cancer she is dying from?  Will it stop her from continuing her current health plan IF she has one?  Will it stop her from getting Medicare or Medicaid if she is getting that?  Of course not!

What is it about the Obama healthcare plan that causes so much angst?  Only a small part of the plan is even enacted and the rest doesn’t come into play until 2014.  So, out of what IS enacted could any of these be killing this poor cancer ridden lady?

Could it be that the plan forces insurance companies to cover recommended preventive services without charging out of pocket costs: Services like mammograms, colonoscopies, immunizations, pre-natal and new baby care are now covered, and insurance companies are prohibited from charging deductibles, co-payments or co-insurance?

Do you think that making insurance companies cover preventative services and the like are killing her, is it stopping her care?  Probably not, so let’s keep looking.

How about this one:

Give her an opportunity to appeal coverage decisions by her insurance company: Consumers are guaranteed the right to appeal insurance company decisions to an independent third party.

Well I am sure as hell if her insurance company says they don’t want to pay for any new treatments her doctor feels will help her cancer, that she would think having the RIGHT to appeal would be very much needed.  In fact it COULD be the one thing that saves her life.  Well, let’s keep looking, since we know for a fact this ain’t it.

The last one, could it be this:

It guarantees enrollees their choice of primary care provider: Consumers have their choice of provider within the plan’s network of doctors, including OB-GYNs and pediatricians, without a referral, as well as out-of-network emergency care.

I doubt very seriously if having her choice of primary care providers is killing her or hurting her in any way.  If she doesn’t want to choose a doctor and would be more comfortable letting her insurance company choose, I am more than sure they would have no problem steering her to her cities equivalent of the Simpson’s Doctor Nick in Springfield.

These are the only things that are going on right now, and nothing that I have seen in the bill coming up would kill her either.  So what the hell is she or is Perry talking about.  What are any of these idiots posing as Republican presidential candidates talking about when screaming they wish to end this bill.

Do they wish to ensure poor autistic children and their families have their healthcare cancelled the minute they get the diagnosis, as that is one of the things that this bill stops.  Or are they hell bent on ensuring that people who don’t have healthcare stay that way?  What is it that these people DO want?  They never tell the alternative, all they say is they want to stop socialized medicine.  Why?  Every one of the top nations in the world with the better life expectancies and beating us on the best places to live has socialized medicine.  Is it killing them?  Maybe we should start thinking about that.

Looking at these candidates and looking at my fellow American’s who are choosing from this gang of clowns, makes Finland, Canada, France, Germany, Sweden and Norway look really good right now.  I think it is time to invest in Rosetta Stone and call it a day.


Filed under Barack Obama, Government, Politics, Presedential candidates, Presidential Race, Universal Healthcare

2 responses to “Are You That Desperate Rick Perry?

  1. Just like Michelle Bachman with her claim that some woman ran up to her and told her that the HPV vaccines in Texas caused the retardation of her daughter, Mr. Perry now claims the healthcare reforms instituted through the legislation nicknamed Obamacare is causing retardation in cancer patients. And neither one bothers to explains the contention. Their only reply is, “that’s what I heard.”

    I’ve heard a lot of things as well. I heard that both Bachman and Perry are idiots without a clue about what they would do to govern the country in a responsible manner. Without anything to support their position other than rhetoric they can make any stupid claim and explain it all away as “somebody told me”. Somebody told me that these two were idiots. But unlike Mr. Perry, I can point to facts to support what I heard.


  2. brothawolf

    Looking at these candidates and looking at my fellow American’s who are choosing from this gang of clowns, makes Finland, Canada, France, Germany, Sweden and Norway look really good right now. I think it is time to invest in Rosetta Stone and call it a day.

    Canada is looking real good right now.

    It seems that the republican stock is drying up if these current Presidential candidates are all they have. They are looking more than pathetic right now it’s not even funny.

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