Tag Archives: Joe Biden

Thanks But No Thanks McCain/Palin


Well it is finally over and the majority of America chose brains over lunacy. We finally said enough is enough of the failed policies and gave a “real” mandate for this country to be given the makeover that it so sorely needs. And for just a split second I felt seriously sorry for McCain. I started thinking back on the disgraceful race that he waged and all those sorry feelings were quickly replaced by feelings of hope for us ALL.

In the words of Brotherpeacemaker McCain just got Baracked. McCain made some serious errors in his campaign and that to me was the reason he fell with a resounding thud. Keeping Bush’s economic plans was stupid. Picking Palin was to me, the biggest of his mistakes. She brought divisiveness, racism, classism and all sorts of negativity to the campaign as a whole. He made a lot of erratic decisions relating to the economy which was the big issue of the day. By screwing up the hot issue he totally showed his ignorance of the situation.

Palin no doubt believes that she will be in prime condition to wage her war of the crazies again in 2012. I am confident that her ignorance coupled with her divisiveness will keep her thousands of miles away from the White house. But ultimately I agree with McCain the loss was his. He is the one who brought her on the ticket practically un-vetted. He is the one who allowed his campaign to go completely negative and he is also the one who did not have a good grasp on the issues at hand. These are the reasons why Barack was able to flip seven red states.

It also looks as if the House and Senate will not only remain blue they are getting bluer. The people have spoken and they have spoken loudly. The majority made a choice that the issues were much more important than his racial affiliation. They decided that we need to have the smartest and brightest. They understood that it isn’t elitist to do well in school. It isn’t un-American to live in a big city. It isn’t socialism to repeal the Bush tax cuts for the richest Americans. A Muslim name doesn’t make you a terrorist. Acorn didn’t destroy the fabric of Democracy. And we are confident that dirty, negative campaigning does not win an election, anymore.

So congratulations President elect Barack Obama. We the people have chosen with a wide enough margin that there is no doubt. We said no to Joe the Plumber and any other names followed by occupations. We said no to drill baby drill. We said no to palling around with terrorism. We said no to guilt by association. We said no to more war. We said no to racism. And above all we said thanks but no thanks to the McCain/Palin political hate machine. Hopefully McCain will be able to recapture that integrity and “real” maverick spirit he lost in this election.


Filed under African American, American society, Black community, Minorities, Racism

The Socialist Under The Bed

I think I have just about had my fill of this stupid socialism cry from the McCain/Palin camp. It is ridiculous to continue the old McCarthyism mantra of there is a communist hiding in the closet. Yet now it is a socialist under the bed. The hypocrisy is that Palin herself has implemented these very same ideas in Alaska and McCain has endorsed this idea as well.

They believe that it is socialism to give tax cuts to the middle class while repealing the large tax cuts for the wealthy. Hmmm, let me get this straight it is bad to give tax cuts to the middle class and good to give tax cuts to the wealthiest people and companies. Ok, I get it now. So, McCain continuing the tax cuts of Bush are somehow going to build jobs.

It is obvious that the McCain Palin ticket is extremely desperate to continue these lies. What about their supporters? Are they that stupid or that blind that they would rather see tax cuts go to the wealthiest people because…Somehow this will help them in the long run, when they are already hurting for money and can barely pay rent, mortgage or buy food and gas. Right, that sounds like a stupid plan endorsed by a bunch of stupid people who don’t have the good sense to have self preservation.

Yet, these same fools will agree how great it is that Palin herself redistributed the wealth in Alaska. She took wealth from the oil companies and distributed it to those who had less wealth. By cutting a twelve hundred dollar check to each and every Alaskan. And this is not socialism why?

McCain can cluck about making the Bush tax cuts permanent which were to take from the middle class and give it to those making over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. So I guess according to McCain or Palin socialism is only when it is money going from rich to poor or that at least when it is done by Obama. I get it.

It seems to me that McCain’s straight talk express just lost ANOTHER wheel. I don’t know if this guy even has any wheels left on that bus. I think he is rolling on rims like one of those fools running from the cops down a Los Angeles freeway. I am sure this wheel is probably the spare. Anyhow, this is just another diversion which shows that McCain has no clue how to run a campaign let alone this country. Why would anyone want to put all of our lives in the hands of a fool who can’t even run a half successful


Filed under Social Issues

Obama Gives Tax Cuts To Dummies

This hoopla that somehow jobs are created from the top down is ridiculous. By McCain continuing the same retarded tax cuts for the richest Americans while continuing to overtax the middle class will miraculously create jobs is crazy especially since it did not work before. And you don’t have to look any further than the last four years of the Bush tax cuts which were synonymous with tax cuts for the wealthy.

Last time I checked they didn’t create any jobs. And in fact we have lost jobs, a LOT of jobs and the economy is in a hole. So I guess McCain thinks that he and Palin will continue to do the same tax strategy of Bush’s from the last four years and this time hope and pray that it works.

McCain claims that by giving tax cuts to those at the top, jobs will just trickle down to the rest of us. Here is a little tidbit of information for him and all those who think this is true. Let’s use the lemonade stand as an example.  If you give a big tax cut to Mr. Lemonade stand owner he isn’t going to create any jobs he is probably going to put that money in his pocket and more than likely slash jobs.

Why? Because there is NO DEMAND for his product.  Because the people who buy lemonade, you know those middle class people who had a hike in their taxes so Mr. Lemonade stand owner could get a tax cut, don’t have any money.  They decide to hold on to their money because they have to pay bills and have less money to do so due to the fact they have high taxes.

If less middle class lemonade drinkers buy lemonade, Mr. Lemonade stand owner has less demand for his product. What does he do, he slashes jobs to save HIS money because he has bills to pay as well. So it is a vicious cycle where nobody prospers.  The business man has less money from lack of demand and the consumer has less money to demand anything.

Now if we go Obama’s route and cut taxes for the middle class by getting rid of those overzealous tax cuts for the wealthy or those making over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars we will make new jobs. Because those middle class lemonade drinkers will have more money in their pockets with lower taxes.  They now feel that they can afford to buy that lemonade. This will create a DEMAND for lemonade.  Thus the lemonade stand owner will need to get new employees in order to make sure he can fill all the orders for lemonade. Now we not only have more people employed we have more people out buying more goods and services.

So if John McCain and Sarah Palin would just put their tax strategy in the lemonade stand scenario they would also see that you can NOT grow jobs from the top to the bottom. Everything grows from the bottom up and that is the problem with how our government works now. They cater to those at the top when it is those at the bottom who are the key. People at the bottom drive the machine. Those at the top are hanging on for the ride.  When you have a LOT of people with money more goods and services are purchased.  Meaning more people will need to be employed and more money will be spent.  A GOOD vicious cycle.

So, I guess we should all think about what is important. To have more money in the hands of those who will drive the market by demanding more product which will in turn give more money to the business owners, making more jobs. Or give more money to those at the top to make more products even though there is no one who has extra money in order to demand those products.

UH DUH! I think we can all see where that leads. Just go and ask McCain’s economic buddy Carly Fiorina who ran Lucent pretty much into the ground right before trying to do the same to HP. Or let’s ask his other economic buddy who he would like to see replace Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Meg Whitman who saw her last two quarters at Ebay in a significant decline forcing the lay off of a bunch of people.

I guess we only need to look at who each candidate has as his advisors. And right now I can see why the McCain camp wants to continue a losing philosophy. And that doesn’t impress me right now. I am just amazed at the fact that you have so many people who are in the middle class who feel that they don’t deserve a tax cut, only those at the top do. Because they like it when the rich gets richer while we working class and poor get poorer.  And still Obama wants to give tax cuts and create jobs for dummies who would rather see themselves lose even more to those who aren’t hurting one bit.


Filed under Racism

Is Folksy Another Way To Say Liar?

I think Sarah Palin actually stayed on her feet during the debate, denying any of the Democrats the fun and joy of watching her once again fall on her face as she did in the company of Charlie Gibson, Katie Couric and some college student outside of the cheese steak sandwich shop. Yet, she did do her job by being able to string sentences together in a way that was coherent, this time. But is that really the criteria by which we judge our Vice Presidential candidates? This is as if being able to coherently string together sentences makes you qualified to be at the head of our government. How pathetic.

So I am wondering if the truth is just something that Palin just doesn’t quite understand. It is interesting to say the least that she continues her barrage of lies while seemingly being given a pass. She is running with the same old Bush tactics of tell a lie enough times and people will be stupid enough to believe it. She and McCain tout that they are nothing like the Bush administration and plan to bring change, yet I can’t help but notice that they sure follow Bush’s lead when debating and running a campaign. So let’s have a look at some of these interesting lies that she fails to stop saying even after being called on them.

Palin says that she is a serious Washington outsider because she is someone who is just not used to the way that things operate when “you voted for the war then turn around and oppose it.” Palin, do you mean the same way that you supported the bridge to nowhere before ya’ didn’t? Remember that thing you said um what was it again, oh yeah, “thanks but no thanks to that bridge to nowhere.” Remember you said all those big words AFTER saying that Alaska should build up its infrastructure while your representatives had the pull and power to get you all funds to do so.

She keeps talking about how she was such a tax relief advocate saying that she lowered taxes each year she was the Mayor of Wasilla. Well, if you mean you lowered taxes by raising them, then yep you betcha’. Sarah Palin successfully pushed for a referendum to raise local sales taxes to pay for a multi-use sports complex. In a memo CBS got from the Wasilla City Hall, Palin said it made sense to raise taxes because there was strong support for the hockey rink, the private sector had failed to step in and because it would be good to use government money to prevent social problems instead of spending money to try and fix them. I guess she did lowered taxes by raising them first. You know thanks but no thanks to higher taxes.

There you go again Sarah, claiming that you are building the largest natural gas pipeline in North America. For one thing the pipeline doesn’t even have approval yet so I wouldn’t really call that “building.” I don’t think I am mistaken or playing with semantics when I say that building implies that there are people hammering and welding or whatever it takes to BUILD a pipeline. I don’t know about the rest of you but I am seeing that those who think this lady is somehow smart or qualified are certifiably crazy or are seriously lacking in brain cells.

She claims that McClellan didn’t say that a surge wouldn’t work in Afghanistan. Who in the hell is McClellan, unless she is talking about Scott McClellan, but I don’t think that he has any knowledge of what will or won’t work in Afghanistan. I guess a General named McKiernan is a little like an ex-White House Press Secretary named Scott McClellan except that a General named David McKiernan has ACTUAL RESPONSIBILITIES IN AFGHANISTAN!

Is this lady kidding? But the truth actually is that after McCain John McCain said that “the same strategy” the surge implemented in Iraq is “going to have to be employed in Afghanistan.” General McKiernan not McClellan said emphatically that no Iraq-style “surge” of forces will end the conflict there (Afghanistan).

Obama is going to RAISE taxes Sarah loudly proclaims into the microphone AGAIN. Say it ain’t so Sarah! There you go lying again!  Say that with a wink, nod and a smile. Hasn’t this lie been repeatedly debunked? *Sigh* According to The Non-partisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, Senator Obama offers much larger tax breaks to low- and middle-income taxpayers and would increase taxes on high-income taxpayers. The largest tax cuts, as a share of income, would go to those at the bottom of the income distribution, while taxpayers with the highest income would see their taxes rise.

Yet in marked contrast, Senator McCain’s tax cuts would primarily benefit those with very high incomes, almost all of whom would receive large tax cuts that would, on average, raise their after-tax incomes by more than twice the average for all households. Many fewer households at the bottom of the income distribution would get tax cuts and those whose taxes fall would, on average, see their after-tax income rise much less.

Oh Sarah, you little liar you. Aren’t you so cute with your exaggerations, fabrications and quick witted cock and bull stories? Now I have to ask if this is what we are looking for. Another four years of the lies, the fear mongering, the cloak over the entire executive branch. I mean they aren’t really looking any different with the tactics they are using. Such as accusing people of “gotcha” questioning for just asking a candidate what they know.

Or how about employing a barrage of high powered lawyers in order to stall or otherwise hinder her little “troopergate” scandal. And they want to continue pretending they are running on the platform of change. Actually I guess you can say they are running on change, the only change being the names of the White house players. Except for that everything is looking pretty much the same.

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