Category Archives: White Female

Boy Scout Merit Badge For Sex?

Here we go again another sex crazy white female pedophile on the loose and this time the collateral damage is a boy scout and his family.  Not to mention her own family.  She was caught in the act by his parents who inadvertently walked in on the scene.  I am just surprised that they didn’t lose their minds and beat the hell out of her immediately.

The parents came home unexpectedly early from a shopping trip and walked into their son’s room catching the pervert in the act.  She immediately tried to grab her things and flee the scene.  But the parents blocked her path and barricaded her into his room and called the cops reporting a rape in progress.

It took the cops about ten minutes to get to the scene.  Don’t you wonder what was being said over those next ten minutes?  Damn that must have been a seriously tense moment for everyone.  Anyhow, the cops arrested 39 year old home maker and Boy Scout troupe leader Wendy Rogers.  The cops say her face was covered with tears and she was visibly crying.  And that was only because she was busted.

She had no prior relationship with the boy before meeting him at the Boy Scout. Rogers was a leader of the troop, in charge of keeping track of the Scout’s advancement in the program.  I guess she was trying to make sure he got ALL of those obscure badges that most of us aren’t even aware of.

She previously worked for the local elementary school.  The police haven’t said they would but I am sure they should probably check the school for more victims.  She has two children of her own which is apparent by the swing set in her yard and a lot of Christmas decorations.  And so far it isn’t clear and the Boy Scouts aren’t saying whether or not her son was in the same troupe as her victim.

The police are already questioning the other boys in the scout troop to see if she abused anyone else.  Since she used a position of power to commit her offense, if she is convicted that would ensure that she gets mandatory prison time.  We need to start treating these female pedophiles just like the male version, even though that isn’t harsh enough either, and give them the maximum penalty allowed.

The police have said that more criminal acts of sex between the two are being investigated which possibly occurred at her home and perhaps during a camping trip in southern Illinois with the Boy Scout troop.  The Boy Scouts released a statement that they have revoked the pedophiles membership. She won’t be allowed to participate in scouting again.

Whoa slow down there Boy Scouts; we don’t want you to be TOO rough on this sick, disgusting low life.  But I guess it was better than nothing.  Hopefully they have given this boy and his family a big apology and offered to pay for any mental health counseling he might need in the future.  But the majority of companies like them are just trying to minimize the damage to their reputations and bury the story.

But all jokes aside this has long since become very disturbing.  The numbers are astounding and we still haven’t given it the much needed scrutiny that it deserves.  But the incidences of white female on child sex crimes are totally out of control.  And I am wondering what our elected officials and police force plan to do about this.

It isn’t a joke, it isn’t a game and it is a pathology that is being allowed to fester to the point of epidemic proportions.  Our children are not safe.  These women are everywhere, in our neighborhoods, working at our doctor’s offices and now our Boy Scout troupes.

Yet, the vast majorities are within the school system itself and not only public schools even though this is where the majority of these cases occur.  If like I said these pedophiles were men or god forbid a bunch of black women, raping these young boys, we would NOT tolerate this sick deranged behavior.  We need to take action NOW to stop the abuse.


Filed under Pedophile, Teachers, White Female, White on White Crime

White Female On Child Crime Is On The Rise


You know as I sat and watched the nightly news and this news story came on I was not even one bit surprised.  Yet another white woman was arrested for being a perverted predator.  It seems a married mother of two is accused of trying to have sex with a boy who is about the same age as her own children.  The 38 year old Christie Bradley is charged federally with coercion and enticement of a minor, and could face additional charges by the end of the week.

This seriously disgusting woman had the nerve to show up at the boy’s house toting lingerie and condoms after having an ongoing sexual conversation with him online.  She did this all in hopes of consummating her devious plan of child rape.  She met the kid on Facebook where she sent him explicit messages.  He also told the cops that she also kissed him on his mouth in his home previously.

She thought she was continuing to talk to the boy but the cops had already intervened and continued a conversation ruse.  Those cops let her hang herself as if she was about to appear on the NBC Dateline show aptly named Predators.  And whether she fulfilled her wishes or was busted attempting it, she is still obviously a predator.

When are they going to see that this is not a joke and start handing down some serious time for these female versions of the stereotypical pedophile?  We have a problem in that when we think about a pervert we start to think of some dude sneaking around trying to snatch a young child for his sexual perversions.  When it is starting to look like they are getting a run for their money by these perverted female teachers and sick mothers.

I think my whole problem with this is that we have so much lenience for white women who sexualize young children.  They do very little time in prison, get out and usually offend again, if they ever do any time in the first place.  As in the story of Maureen Lirette who slept with 7 teen’s some ages 13 and 14 and all she got was probation.  I am just wondering what it is going to take before we see this as a serious problem.

Will a black lady sexing up some 13 year old child make the difference?  Will we then decide that enough is enough and she will be the one that broke the camels back?  And we can then throw the book at her and make her an example?  I guess we will see and until then I will keep pointing these freaks out until it seems that it is being taken seriously.  Sexual exploitation whether it be a woman on boy or girl or man on boy or girl is damaging.


Filed under child abuse, Child Rape, Criminals, Family values, Racism, White Female, White on White Crime

Teaching Sextra Credit Gets Deadly, Again


Yet, again it happens that another white female predator is involved with not one but two of her students. And to top it off one goes into the military, comes home and catches her with another student and stabs him to death. This reads like some sleazy novel yet it is real life.

It seems that this pedophile was accused years earlier of having a relationship with the very student who has now confessed to the killing. She denied it of course like these lying scuzz buckets usually do. So she rapes one student while working at Marcos de Niza High School in Tempe and then the other while working at El Dorado High School in Chandler.

This is becoming more common than white teenagers shooting up schools or malls. Where is the profiling, the news specials or the news coined names such as white female teacher on child crime? And why isn’t the fact that the majority of students who are being targeted by these fiends are minority being explored?

Does anyone think that hundreds of black female teachers raping and exploiting white students wouldn’t be a major story in this country? This disparity is so hypocritical and of course typical of how we deal with race in this country. We talk about how out of control black on black crime is all the while the larger amount of white on white crime goes un-scrutinized.

When are we going to do something about these nasty predator pedophiles passing themselves off as teachers? Just because these are boys, and it seems to be a male fantasy, these kids still need to be protected. It is obvious that they are not able to handle this type of sexual abuse. And as a direct affect of these illicit relationships with their teachers, too many of these boys are going out and killing or doing other crazy things showing their mental instability.

This has obviously gotten out of hand and the sextra credit has to stop. We can no longer look at this as some sort of tabloid oddity. We need to see these women for the depraved hypersexual pedophiles that they are. How can any of us, especially minorities, send our children to school without fear of the teacher? I am now extremely fearful that my son will end up in the classroom of one of these monsters. And trust me the teacher who crosses my child will understand exactly why this was a bad idea.


Filed under Child Rape, Hot Topics, Minorities, Pedophile, Racism, Teachers, White Female

More White Female On Child Crime

Missing Girl

Yet, another incident of white female on child crime and no one is saying that the white on white or white adult on child crime rate is out of control. I wonder just how many white women need to sexually assault a child or kill children before the tidy label such as black on black crime goes into production.

We already know that people go buck wild searching for and talking about missing white children AND women. We saw that with Caylee Anderson and Natalee Holloway and of course they started doing the same thing in California with little 8 year old Sandra Cantu. She went missing March 27th and there were non stop searches and investigations. It is funny but NOT, that little 6 year old Adji Desir got searched for all of about 9 days, deciding that he was probably just hiding from the authorities.

They didn’t even issue an Amber alert stating that he probably wasn’t abducted. But, will call out the national guard for one little missing white girl. And then go on and on about the story for years. Now here we have a little girl abducted by her freaking Sunday school teacher Melissa Huckaby, killed and stuffed inside of the ladies suitcase and thrown in a lake. And someone wants to tell me about this perceived propensity for violence of black people. Give me a freaking break.


Filed under Black on Black Crime, Black People, child abuse, child death, News, Propaganda, Racism, Social Issues, Teachers, White Female, White on White Crime

Sex Slaves In America


The other night my family and I sat down and watched a special on sex slaves in America. The show was about girls actually young ladies who were brought to America from places such as the Ukraine, El Salvador, China and Guatemala under the guise of being offered jobs in industries such as restaurants or housekeeping here. Now I find this abhorrent and extremely sinister and interesting that none of these criminals were black and no phrases were used like white enslavers. But the one thing that struck me was the fact that there were even discrepancies as to how these sex slaves were treated when the deal was busted by the cops. I am also curious as to how these slaves differ in treatment from the American slaves.

I found it interesting that the prosecutor in one of the cases for them said that this was slavery except it was the most egregious kind of slavery, they were sex slaves. As opposed to your run of the mill African slave who was your sex slave and full worker slave. I guess the fact that they got paid cash made their slavery more egregious. Or maybe it was the fact that they weren’t black made the slavery just that much worse than that of the 400 years of black slavery.

There were sex slaves who were brought in from the Ukraine and Russia that were making a thousand dollars a day, not including what was given to the pimps. They were hiding this money and were told that they had to pay the pimp so much money for bringing them to this country. Owing the pimp seemed to be the underlying theme for ALL the women in this situation no matter where they were originally from. The girls from the Ukraine were told that they would be able to pay their pimp off in about six months. Yet before the six months was up a couple of them had fled in the night with a “John” who promised to bust the pimps, which he loyally did.

The girls had been kept in a condo or townhouse and could come and go at will. They did however tell tales of being raped by the pimps whenever they had the inclination. Now that they were freed they were able to find a good life living off the thousand dollars a day bonus they amassed due to their services. They must have had about ninety thousand dollars saved up that was not taken by the government because the story teller explained how they hid the money first. Now they are free American citizens and able to live life like they wanted to in the first place.  Or maybe even better since they had planned on being waitresses who I doubt would have taken home ninety thousand dollars in three months barring some side gig as a sex slave.

Now there is a far different tale from those ladies that were tricked into America from Guatemala, Mexico and Asia. They were making only thirteen dollars from each “John” they were with compared to whatever the girls from the Ukraine etc. were bringing in per “John” to make a thousand dollars a night take home for themselves. These ladies were going to spend years working off the debts they incurred to be brought to America. Yet when the deal was busted instead of being able to go free and tell their tales they were arrested and sentenced to prison. Not only were they forced into being sex slaves they were then jailed for being duped.

I thought this is so indicative of how hypocritical the United States is. People with brown skin will be not only forced into a bad situation but then blamed and punished for it. All the while the white skin people not only got to keep the ill gotten gains, they were treated like the victims they were plus given the help and care they deserved. They were even able to have an audience with congress to discuss the sex slave industry. In contrast the Hispanic slaves were treated to the same disdain that they are treated with from America on a daily basis which is you don’t belong here and you are not worth our help or care but, hurry up and pick our vegetables.

Now to throw a twist in each and every time I talk about and even when I don’t talk about slavery people who comment on my Blog are constantly telling me that blacks should get over slavery it happened it is over so move on. Well I did not once here anyone telling these ladies that had been sex slaves or their children for that matter to move on it’s over and they are now free to live good lives. They told their stories over and over with the same pain they felt having been there. They told of how they don’t feel safe, their children don’t feel safe etc. Their children are forever scarred by this traumatic event and want everyone to know their harrowing stories.

No one told the sex slaves from the Ukraine that they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop crying over something that is clearly over for them. They shouldn’t be rehashing the past and begging for a hand out. They shouldn’t be asking for their captors to be held captive in prisons now in some sort of reverse captive taking akin to some reverse discrimination. No one would be as rude and callous as to say any of these things to these ladies or their children who have suffered so much. Yet saying this to blacks who are still feeling the affects of the trauma is not a big deal. As we have seen from this show it is fine to harass the victim just so long as that victim is a person of color.


Filed under African, African American, American society, Big Business, Black community, Black Culture, Black Family, Black People, Criminals, Culture, Illegal Immigration, Law, Personal, Propaganda, Racism, Random Thoughts, Rant, Slavery, Social Issues, Subjugation, White Female, White on White Crime

More Female Teacher’s Handing Out Sextra Credit


Here we go again, another young white teacher that sexed up her young student. Jennifer Rice, 31, was arrested Saturday and booked into the Pierce County Jail in Tacoma Washington, which is about 34 miles from Mary Kay LeTourneau and her 14 year old lover from Seattle Washington, for investigation of kidnapping, five counts of first-degree child rape, and four counts of child molestation.

The victim was a 10 year old boy who Ms. Rice was asked to stop seeing by his parents. She had been taking the boy to the movies and having online chats with him when his parents became concerned and asked her to stay away. Then the parents awoke to find that their son was missing from his room his bed had been made to look like he was sleeping. “So sometime during the early morning hours, he disappeared from the house,” Fulghum said. According to court documents, Rice told detectives that she picked the boy up, took him out to breakfast and took him to a waterfall. She said she planned to take him to Idaho, yet after the police called her the boy asked to be left at his uncle’s house in Puyallup Washington and he would make up some story about having walked there.

According to Investigators, Rice admitted that she raped the boy at a rest stop in Ellensburg before driving him back, and court documents indicate that the two had intercourse several times on previous occasions, including once in the boy’s home. The Tacoma School District said, Rice taught at McKinley from October 2006 to April 20, 2007. At that time she was placed on administrative leave while the district conducted an investigation to determine whether she was socializing with her students after school.

There is no excuse for these people; they are in charge of teaching and above all protecting our children. Yet there is an abundance of them who are shirking their duties and becoming the ultimate predators, because our children HAVE to go to them for hours each and every weekday. This is a scary fact that our children are now being taught by a gaggle of pedophiles.

When are we going to start hearing about the “white teacher on child crime” statistics? Because it seems to me that this is out of control. I don’t know how I am supposed to look at my son’s teachers (white females) with any trust. My son might not be safe. Maybe we need a taskforce to start trying to combat this crime or just the way they want to sue gang members and give three strikes and you’ve got life laws, maybe we should be suing and giving teachers who sex down children three strikes and its life as well. Because all of these teachers have admitted to having sex with these students more than three and sometimes up to dozens of times. Also, they seem to go to jail get out and continue sexing the same kid or worse yet give birth to their children. Some of these women are guilty of sexing down girls as well, is anyone safe. Following is a list from MoJunk listing just some of these white female teacher pedophiles. This is not a complete list, but who knows how many of these sickos are out there teaching god knows what to our kids.

Adrianne Hockett: In Houston TX.

Allenna Ward, 24: In Laurens County, S.C., Feb. 28, 2007.

Amber Jennings, 31: In Sturbridge, Mass., September 2005.

Amber Marshall, 23: In Northwest Indiana.

Amira Sa’Di, 30: In Clayton County, Ga., November 2005.

Amy Bramhall, 33: In Warren, Maine, January 2006.

Amy Gail Lilley, 36: In Inverness, Fla., January 2006.

Amy McElhenney, 25: In Denton County, Texas, September 2006.

Angela Comer, 26: In Tompkinsville, Ky., January 2006.

Angela Stellwag, 24: In Delran, N.J., August 2004.

Becci Hill, 31: In Martinsville, Ind., 2006.

Beth Raymond, 31: In Greenwich, Conn., July 2006.

Bethany Sherrill, 24: In Farmington, Mo., February 2005.

Brandy Lynn Gonzales, 27: and her husband, in Houston TX., December 2006.

Cameo Patch, 29: In Tooele, Utah, November 2006.

Carol Flannigan, 50: In Boca Raton, Fla., February 2006.

Carrie McCandless, 29: In Colorado, November.

Cathy Heminghaus, 46: In Ferguson, Mo.

Celeste Emerick, 32: In Huber Heights, Ohio.

Christina Gallagher, 26: In Jersey City, N.J., 2004.

Christine Duda, 39: In St. Louis County, Mo., December 2005.

Christine Scarlett, 36: In Ohio, November 2002.

Christine Spaich, 28: In Roseville, Calif., April 6, 2007.

Christy Anne Brown, 33: In West Valley City, Utah, July 8, 2007.

Darcie Esson, 32: In Parker, Colo., December.

Dawn Welter, 38: In Sumner, Wash., April 24, 2007.

Deanna Bobo, 37: In Greenwood, Ark., 2005.

Deborah Reeder, 45: In Coral Springs, Fla., December 2006.

Debra LaFave, 25: In Tampa, Fla., March 2006.

Diane DeMartini-Scully, 45: In Mattituck, N.Y., May 2005.

Donna Carr Galloway, 33: Married mother of two found naked in a car with a 17-year-old student.

Elisa Kawasaki, 25: In Fresno, Calif.

Elizabeth Miklosovic, 36: In Grand Rapids, Mich., June 2004.

Elizabeth Stow, 26: In Fresno, Calif.

Ellen Garfield, 43: In Newton, Mass., 1998.

Emily Morris, 28: In St. Clair County, Ala.

Erica Rutters, 29: In New Oxford, Pa., March 2006.

Erica Umosella, 28: In New Jersey, May.

Franca and Antonia Munoz-Juvera, 26: These twins in Southern California, December.

Georgianne Harrell, 24: In Sylvester, Ga., April 2005.

Gwen Cardozo, 33: In Colorado Springs, Colo., July.

Heather Lea Burroughs, 23: In Pahokee, Fla., Jan. 22, 2007.

Jacquelyn Faith Garrison, 19: In Winterville, N.C., January.

Jamie Armstrong, 25: In Baton Rouge, La., April 2007.

Janelle Marie Bird, 24: In Pensacola, Fla., 2006.

Janet Hughes, 32: In Viera, Fla., April 23, 2007.

Janet Parker, 26: In East Texas, May.

Jaymee Wallace, 28: In Tampa, Fla., early 2003

Joan Marie Sladky, 28: Redwood City, Calif.

Jodi Church, 26: In Peoria, Ill., March 2, 2007.

Julia Lund, 28: In Minnesota, December 2006.

Kanesa Hopkins, 31: In Goose Creek, S.C., May 2007.

Karen Patton, 41: In Wytheville, Va., January 2006.

Katherine Tew, 30: In Winterville, N.C.

Kathy White, 39: In Lumberton, Texas.

Kelly Lynn Dalecki, 26: In St. Augustine, Fla., 2003.

Kimberly Lynch, 37: Macedon, N.Y., February 2004.

Kirsten Kinley, 27: In Howard County, Md., February.

Kristen Margrif, 27: In Mayville, Mich., June and July 2005.

Kristi Dance Oakes, 32: In Sevierville, Tenn., July 2006.

Lakina Stutts, 30: In Milwaukee a School-bus driver.

Laura Lynn Findlay, 30: In Buena Vista Township, Mich., August.

Lauren Cosgrove, 28: In Denton, Texas July 2007.

Leslie Baird, 42: In Tooele, Utah.

Lynn Saunders, 38: In New Brighton, N.Y., March 2005.”

Margaret De Barraicua, 30: In Sacramento, Calif., February 2005.

Maria Saco, 28: In Passaic, N.J., 2005.

Mary Kay Letourneau, 34: InDes Moines, Wash 1996.

Melinda Deluca, 29: In West Jordan, Utah December.

Melissa Bare, 35: In Kitts Hill, W.V., April 23, 2007.

Melissa Michelle Deel, 32: In Bristol, Tenn., December 2004.

Michelle Kush, 29: In Florence, Ky., August 2006.

Michelle Morano, 33: In Cedar Grove, N.J., March 23, 2007.

Nicole Andrea Barnhart, 35: In Highlands Ranch, Colo., March 24th

Nicole Long, 29: In Ohio, January.

Nicole Pomerleau, 31: In Charlotte, N.C., in March.

Pamela Balogh, 39: In Somerset, N.J, December.

Pamela Smart, 22: In Hampton, N.H., March 1991

Pamela Rogers Turner, 27: In McMinnville, Tenn., February

Rachel Holt, 34: In Delaware, March 2006

Rachelle Vantucci, 32: In Geneseo, N.Y., Aug. 28, 2006.

Rebecca Boicelli, 33: Redwood City, Calif., January, 2005

Rebecca Becker, 28, and Maria Zurita, 28: In May 2007.

Rebekah Todd, 25: In Buckley, Wash, March 14, 2007.

Rhianna Ellis, 24: In Manhattan, N.Y.

Robin Gialanella, 26: In Toms River, N.J, in 2003 and 2004.

Robin Winkis, 29: In York, Pa, October and November 2005

Samantha Solomon, 29: In Manhattan, N.Y

Sandra “Beth” Geisel, 42: In Albany, N.Y., May 2005.

Shelley Allen, 35: In Cherokee County, Texas, June 2005.

Sherry Brians, 41: In Buttonwillow, Calif., March 12, 2007

Stephanie Burleson: In Texas, June 2005

Stephanie Giambelluca, 24: In Metairie, La.,in December 2006

Susan Clickner, 47: In Lowell, Mass., 2005

Susan Eble, 35: Former teacher’s aide is accused of having a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old boy.

Tamara Ryman, 37: Houston March 18, 2007.

Tara Lynn Crisp, 29: In Buttonwillow, Calif., December 2006.

Teresa Engelbach, 21: In Pevely, Mo., March 2007

Toni Lynn Woods, 37: In Braxton County, W.Va. 2005

Traci Tapp, 28: In New Jersey, January 2006

Wendie Schweikert, 36: In Laurens, S.C., February 2006


Filed under Black community, child abuse, child neglect, Child Rape, Court television, Culture, Current Events, Family values, Hot Topics, Justice, neglect, News, Pedophile, Racism, Responsibility, Sex Education, Social Issues, Statistics, Teachers, White Female