Category Archives: Borders

Illegal Immigrants Causing Outrage


I just have to weigh in on illegal immigration, because it is and already has been a topic that brings about such outrage. I want to look at how these illegal immigrants are coming here bringing crime, racism, disharmony with the natural rhythm of people and things in this land. Some consider them a cancer upon the very land we stand and some see them as just a new face to help cultivate more diversity.

By the boatload is how they seem to arrive into the country, not just one or two, but whole families looking for a way out of a bad situation in their homeland. Once they get here they settle into their own little communities and refuse to speak the language of the land actually setting up government in their own image with officials who cater to their wants and needs also speaking their preferred language. If you go into these communities they expect you to speak their language and submit to the customs that they brought here with them.

The crime rate has skyrocketed with their arrival, rapes, kidnappings and even worse terrorist murders. They bring weapons and different types of contraband that is not tolerated in our society. The areas where they seem to be landing are dangerous to say the least. They kill and or injure the people we send there to patrol the area. Then actually complain within their little communities that we are the bad guys, the ones to be feared, constantly complaining about our efforts to secure our borders and ourselves.

Unable to care for themselves they take advantage of all of the resources used to help our own, such as food, housing, heating and education. The strain on resources is astronomical since they take but do little to contribute completely to our society while turning around and bringing even more of their family and friends further increasing this strain. Undercutting our ability to make a decent living is causing the living standards of our community to start to decline, which eventually has lead to the decline of our infrastructure.

Unfortunately they also bring in diseases that kill a large portion of our communities. In fact some of the diseases were given to our number as a means to hurt us. With the disease levels raising it is becoming more of a strain on our society to try and remedy this as a shortcoming of health professionals is a problem. Also being consumed by materialism they are taking our goods and services without repayment which is largely responsible for a down shift in values.

The strain on the land is also a problem. The illegal immigrants are sullying the environment with toxicities due to their inability to adapt quickly which causes them to live in conditions that prevent them from keeping the area clean of refuse. Sometimes it just seems that they do very little for the environment acting as if they don’t care at all, when nature is such a large part of our heritage.

We have members of our own communities who are helping these people to move into our society, trying to show them how to adapt quicker. This practice has been outlawed but due to their sympathetic eyes they don’t see a problem with giving them food, water, shelter and passage into the area. It is a great debate about what should be done to quail these human smugglers. These so called humanitarians are considered to be contributing to the downfall of our society.

These humanitarians listen to these illegal people’s sad stories of misconduct and persecution by their own government and feel sorry for them. They tell of their religious nature and how they only intend to share this country with us and those like us. They also told how they feel they should be allowed to make their way to the opposite coast, which was what they called manifest destiny as they said it gave them the right to take whatever they felt they needed. This happened to be our land, our resources and our very lives. But, no one cares about this illegal immigration because without it the people in the majority in this land wouldn’t be who they are today. The past is the past right, we can’t do anything about what happened back then, we just need to stop the new illegal immigrants from doing to us what we did to the original land owners. This sounds like a racist rant, yet these are the very arguments people are using to get others to join in on hating Hispanics.

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Filed under American society, Borders, Christianity, Community, Culture, Current Events, Diversity, Family values, Government, History, Hot Topics, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Integration, Interesting, Justice, Life, Minorities, News, Politics, Racism, Random, Random Thoughts, Rant, rants